The 124th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle

It's time for another installment of that venerable (gasp!) blog carnival of skepticism, science, and critical thinking, The Skeptics' Circle. This time, it's the 124th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, and it's finally landed, late but still brimming with skeptical goodness at Beyond the Short Coat.

Next up, two weeks hence, on December 3, will be TechSkeptic at Effort Sisyphus. His instructions for submitting your work are here. General instructions for what we look for in a Skeptics' Circle entry are here. So, by the way, is the schedule. If you're interested in hosting one of these puppies yourself (and what skeptical blogger wouldn't like to try his or her hand at this at some point?), check out these instructions for hosting and drop me a line.

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