Happy Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving here in the States; so I plan on taking the day off from blogging that I might partake of the American custom of stuffing myself to the point of unconsciousness while hanging out with my family.

In the meantime, bow before the genius of the Muppets, as they perform one of my favorite songs of all time:

I thought it appropriate for the holiday, given its beginning. The use of Beaker in this video was particularly inspired.

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Great ending, the most substantial obstacle to progress is meetings (via video conferencing x2). I miss Jim Henson.

Best. Video. Ever.

Love it!

I haven't seen this video before - thanks for sharing it Orac, and happy thanksgiving to all you Americans.

Now, I'll try to find the original video with Queen.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Beaker's great. My brother and I used to run around the house doing Beaker imitations, much to the annoyance of others especially considering we were well past the age most people associate with people doing those kind of imitations. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving to our American cousins.

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 26 Nov 2009 #permalink

Awww poor animal, so moving...

My 35 year old son showed me this on Thanksgiving Day. He was so happy to have something new from the Muppets! Funny how such a small, random event can bring such joy into a life.

Younger daughter made us watch this video ad nauseum while the turky was roasting. Hysterical.