On the road again: In the meantime...Satan

After having a great time at NECSS participating in a panel about science-based medicine (although I hate to have to say that I was disappointed that the science-based medicine panel was cut short to get the conference back on schedule, which meant that we didn't get to answer nearly as many questions as we would have liked), I'm on my way to Washington, DC in order to attend the annual AACR meeting to learn about (hopefully) the latest and greatest cancer science and therapies. In the meantime, I just discovered Stephen Lynch and couldn't resist posting this to amuse everyone (hopefully) until I resume posting tomorrow.

Obviously, Satan did get one thing wrong in this song. Maybe Barack Obama really is the Antichrist, and Satan was just lying two years ago when he said Obama didn't have a chance. The Devil is like that, you know...

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Bahahahahahah! Love Stephen Lynch! This song is one of my absolute favorites of his. Well played, Dr. Orac sir. Well played indeed!

By luciferase (not verified) on 18 Apr 2010 #permalink

Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't know. Of course, this comment will be misconstrued, copied and pasted over to AoA as an example of a personal attack on their beliefs. (Just sayin')

By Rene Najera (not verified) on 18 Apr 2010 #permalink

Laughing! I never heard of this guy before. Thanks.

PW, that entire segment was scary. The scam-dulous clinic and its founder are worthy of an Orac blog-post, methinks.