Happy Father's Day to all fathers...

...and I hope none of you got anything like this.

See you all tomorrow...


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I'm sorry, but the nude retreat is, bar none, the worst father's day gift idea ever. All jokes about Georgia and incest aside, who the heck thought that was a good idea?

The mower-bike would be a good idea if it had an agressive-tread mountain-bike tire on the rear wheel rather than the skinny road-bike tire.

What's wrong with the bottle opener?

By antipodean (not verified) on 20 Jun 2010 #permalink

Too bad I'm not a father... (that I know of)
I would love the Darth Vader shirt.

Don't rip that bottle opener, at least it's TSA safe.

...I got my dad that bottle opener as part of his Father's Day gift (though it wasn't customized - it was the thinkgeek one).

I feel a bit awkward now.