While I'm otherwise indisposed...

...take a gander at this post by Steve Novella about Gary Kompothecras and Charlie Crist and how they are endangering children's health in Florida by promoting the father-son team of antivaccine pseudoscientists Mark and David Geier, the very same issue I wrote about yesterday.

Fear not. The end is in sight. The logorrheic insolence you know and love (or hate) will soon return. In the meantime, I really need some coffee.

More like this

It's grant crunch time, which almost always means that a lot of stuff happens that I don't have time to write about and that the week after I submit it (i.e., next week) usually nothing interesting happens to write about and I'm left posting LOL Cats or something like that. Be that as it may,…
On Thursday and Friday, the Chicago Tribune ran a two part series (part 1 and part 2) about what is arguably one of the worst atrocities (I agree with Steve Novella on this one) committed against autistic children in the name of antivaccine lunacy. Specifically, these articles discussed Mark and…
Remember Mark and David Geier? I wouldn't be surprised if regular readers may have forgotten about this father-son tag team of anti-vaccine lunacy and autism woo. After all, I haven't written about them since journalist Trine Tsouderos did her expose of their "Lupron protocol" for the Chicago…
The other day, I wrote about how mercury militia general and autism quack extraordinaire Dr. Mark Geier had his medical license suspended by the State of Maryland. At the time, I lamented how it was at least five years two late, but there was one aspect of the story that I didn't really dwell on,…

A major league woo-slinger has just launched a new vaccine "information" site intriguingly url'ed, "vaccineinitiative.com"..... I *wonder* why he called it that? (actually, I *know* why**). It gathers together examples of anti-vax ephemera like a misguided scavanger hunt. **( diversionary tactics: it sounds like several legitimate sites)

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 30 Sep 2010 #permalink

Instead of studying chemical castration, I recommend that they conduct studies to see if sex is better than Prozac. At least there's a possible basis for the hypothesis. See "An ode to the many evolved virtues of human semen", Scientific American, by Jesse Bering (Sep 22, 2010), http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=an-ode-to-the-many-e…. Further, it wouldn't endanger kids' health. And, it would a whole lot easier to recruit willing volunteers as test subjects for it.

Coffee makes everything better.

By theshortearedowl (not verified) on 30 Sep 2010 #permalink

I had got a desire to make my own organization, but I didn't have got enough of money to do that. Thank heaven my close friend proposed to utilize the loan. Thus I took the bank loan and made real my desire.