Introducing...the Pestilence League of America

You know, I think I agree with ZDoggMD. The anti-vaccine movement has become so successful that perhaps it needs its own movie franchise to show its heroic resistance against vaccines:

It's round about time we in the medical community recognized the heroic efforts of those who would warn us against the horrible dangers of vaccinations. I mean, these are unsung superheroes, bravely facing down mountains of evidence and decades of public health outcomes data in favor of a more trustworthy source: the Internets. They are tireless advocates, working to ensure that a child's behind is left behind and not prodded with silly needles.

ZDoggMD then goes on to propose a new movie franchise that features powerful, unvaccinated superheroes fighting against vaccines. The first movie will, appropriately enough, be called The Pestilence League Vs. The Evil Vaccines:

Personally, although Captain Contagious and Paulina Polio are worthy heroes, the League is clearly missing a few. Surely there has to be a place for Jenny McCarthy, J.B. Handley and his merry band of anti-vaccine activists at Age of Autism (hmmm, on second thought, they could be a "League" of their own), Barbara Loe Fisher, and Sallie Bernard. In fact, as a fun little exercise, propose your own additional members of the Pestilence League of America and tell us who would play them!

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The other day, I pointed out that one of the characteristics of antivaccine cranks is how, no matter how much you press them, they will never, ever get specific about which vaccines they find acceptable. they'll go on ad nauseam about vaccines they despise and why, but will never admit that there…

Completely over the top - and completely effective. And still more rational than most of the anti-vaccine activists, themselves.

You mentioned the big names in stupid like BFL, JMcC, and the others but we need the supporting players represented too. The likes of Oprah and Deepak fertilize the ground with woo-belief and high profile acceptance of feelings over facts. These buffoons make it acceptable to boost mommy-science above real science. They need to share in the glory the Pestilence League promises to bring.

I need an icepack.

I'm very concerned about this "cry-ing" side effect. My child often "cries" and I'm concerned this might be from the uranium, wombat-eyeball juice and raw sewage found in vaccinations.

Is my child DOOOMED TO SPEND MINUTES with an "ice pack" because Bri$tol-Meyer-$quibb-P$izer is an EVIL CORPORATION that worships Satan's third cousin, STAN?

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!11!!!!one!!!

ah, parody scratches a certain itch, doesn't it? Thanks for finding this one, Orac.

By c0nc0rdance (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Ice packs!

If you have to use one, make sure it's made from organic free-range chlorine-free and fluoride-free water, and frozen solid in a freon-free refrigerator powered by renewable energy sources and made by a non-polluting factory that employs fair labour codes.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

LMAO...Ice packs for "irritation" and fever? More's your free sample of Tylenol and $2.00 off coupons from our kindly sales reps from Johnson & Johnson!

*eye roll*

By Jen in TX (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Whoops, Mr. McNeely, renewable energy sources? Does this mean that you've succumbed to the blandishments of the Global Warming Conspiracy which, as we all know, is a plot to put bucks into Islam Obama's pocket by allowing him to corner the market in coal?

I don't find much humor in pseudo-science; or, making fun of it. The same mentality has spawned the present nation and world of lemmings, ignorance, and 3-minute memory--correct or not.

I'll grab my survivalist gear, Freehold key, Polio Pioneer badge, and--yes--King James Version for the coming Dark Age.

By pateinduced (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I don't find much humor in pseudo-science; or, making fun of it. The same mentality has spawned the present nation and world of lemmings, ignorance, and 3-minute memory--correct or not.

I'll grab my survivalist gear, Freehold key, Polio Pioneer badge, and--yes--King James Version for the coming Dark Age.

By pateinduced (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Lifetime quarantine for the measles? *insert eye roll here*

And don't anyone tell Paulina Polio her dependence on an iron lung is likely the result of a tonsillectomy-happy 1940s medical establishment

By Sid Offit (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I must agree with MikeMa: the anti-vaxers are the merely the mercury-phobic-woo-infused icing on the whole miserable, pseudo-science-laced cake** Those who spread the woo- like popularizers mentioned above, as well as true believer profiteers: i.e. our web woo-meisters- help make pseudo-science acceptable to the mass audience, rather than laughing it out of the spotlight ( that's *our* job). Seriously, it nauseates me when I see the number of hits an article or video perpetrated by Adams ( e.g. today, @ NaturalNews, he writes about "Future News" in medicine) or Mercola or Null gets. The profits they make are even more sickening.

A psychologist*** who investigates HIV/AIDS denialist at UConn has shown ( 2010) how misinformation filters down from pseudo-scientific "theorists" to the susceptible public ( i.e. gay men)- including the factors which belief more likely. The whole scenario is rather frightening.

** hope that that's unappetizing enough for you.

*** nameless, because I don't want to send an influx over to his blog.

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

But Sid - he's a superhero, therefore everything is magnified 100x, because his powers are so GREAT!

Also, I had my tonsils out when I was a kid, why didn't I get polio?

Lifetime quarantine for the measles? *insert eye roll here*

And don't anyone tell Paulina Polio her dependence on an iron lung is likely the result of a tonsillectomy-happy 1940s medical establishment

It's parody Sid, get a grip. It's amazing how you can take a couple of case studies and extrapolate them to everyone who acquired polymyelitis. I guess that is consistent with the twoo believers' credo that pathogens themselves can't possibly be responsible for serious sequelae and death.

I am quite dissapointed that noone included me in this new league. I can help ward off disease without dangerous autism causing vaccines. I am coming down with a cold. Better go take my remedy - colloidal silver, zinc, Vitamin C, Selenium, Vitamin D, and some DayQuil. Of course my secret ingredient (no it's not pot)I cannot give to the unbelievers, only those who do not mock alternative medicien will get my cure.

Doctor Smart

By Doctor Smart (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

But we can mock alternative medicine all we want, right doc? Just not this "medicien" of which you speak.

By Von Krieger (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I am delighted to see that our League of Pestilence communique has infiltrated this evil bastion of science and reason, home of that most egregious foe of the League, Orac the Rational. We would mount a direct frontal attack, but most of the League is currently laid up with whooping cough. Luckily, they are still being breast-fed as adults and hence should obtain a full, natural remission shortly. Consider yourselves warned.


Also, I had my tonsils out when I was a kid, why didn't I get polio?

My uncle smoked cigarettes yet didn't get lung cancer. Does that mean cigarettes can't contribute to lung cancer? You're a logical genius.

By augustine (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

People still call themselves and each other "dogg"? I thought that was an artifact of the early 90s

By Sid Offit (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

More like Zdouche[MD]ouche

By Sid Offit (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

...or Zloser or Zwasteoflife or Zgetalife or Zpathetic

By Sid Offit (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Wow, Sid, I know one shouldn't feed the trolls but I love all this negative energy! You seem obsessed with names...was your given first name Jack?


Honestly, that was a good, funny movie. Otherwise, why would the poor little trolls attack you?

ZDoggMD is Dogg the bounty Hunter's twin brother. He knows a lot about pharmocology. The question is does he have the same mullet?

By augustine (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Is Sid being sockpuppetted or does he need to be cut off? As offensive as his arguments usually are, normally he does provide actual arguments.

And punctuation.

Chemmomo, it depends on the time of night. But you are right, he is usually more coherent, and dare I say: intelligent. He is on the American West coast... so it could be a sock puppet, or he drank lots during an early dinner.

it kind of makes me wonder if his kids (and I know you're not sure he actually has any) got on his computer, and automatically posted under his name. You know, a few hours ago, I had a few beers during the Chargers game (which provides a good hint about where I live) but I can still find the period on the keyboard! And between various other blogs (e.g. SBM) we both read, he's learned how to back up his arguments, at least once in a while.

So Sid: if these comments are yours, please put a little more thought into them, because we expect more from you.

I'd need to double-check, but I think this is the same idiot whom I suspected of being a Tim Bolen sock puppet when he dropped in to predict an imminent victory for the plaintiff in DDI v. Barrett. Incidentally, Barrett has indicated his intent to file an "anti-SLAPP" motion, while DDI is still resolutely doing nothing.

Can let the puppet take the blame. It was me. Sorry Zdogg. You guys are right I was out of line. Got a little carried away and went from insolent to inappropriate.

By Sid Offit (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink

Hey Sid, no need to apologize, I intentionally designed the ZDoggMD character to be a bit of a 90's regressed ZDouche, so I'm glad you picked up on that vibe. And my wife has been calling me Zgetalife for years. Let me apologize for the not-very-funny comeback in #22. Happy new year!

Thanks Dogg : )

By Sid Offit (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink

Perhaps they will ally with Dr Horrible and the Evil League of Evil!

Sorry for OT -
This item is currently the #2 top trending phase on Twitter:*
"PowerBalance Admits Their Wristbands Are a Scam"

Courtesy of Gizmodo…

The article has an astonishing 130K views. Congratulations to all the skeptics who worked so hard on this.

*Just jumped to the #1 spot as I was writing this.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink