Microsoft, Merck, and Bill Gates: Eugenicists?

Since I wrote about a man who is arguably the biggest seller of quackery on the Internet, namely Joe Mercola, yesterday, I thought I'd turn my attention to someone who is arguably another of the biggest promoters of quackery on the Internet, namely Mike Adams of If Joe Mercola is proof positive that quackery sells, Mike Adams is proof positive that there are conspiracy theorists out there who are so reality-challenged that they'll believe virtually anything. Whether it's his despicable assaults on dead celebrities as having been "killed by modern medicine," his constant stream of antivaccine fear mongering, or his hilariously inept attempt to out-Chopra Deepak Chopra while mixing in liberal helpings of pure unadulterated fevered conspiracy mongering, truly no one brings home the crazy about alternative medicine the way that Mike Adams does. As a result, he's a major force on the Internet, at least in the realm of quackery and attacking science=-based medicine. True, he doesn't appear to be nearly as good at marketing wares for huge profits, but he sure does appear to be good at marketing himself. While Mercola is cold and calculating about how to make money; Mike Adams appears to be just as calculating, but he's more about stirring up emotion and conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, he seems to be pretty good at it.

I must admit that I have a bit of a fascination for Mike Adams. I have a rational mind (or, at least, I try to have a rational mind); so it's really hard to wrap my brain around the sheer lunacy that is Mike Adams. There appears to be no conspiracy theory too outlandish for him to buy into uncritically, no charge against big pharma too unbelievable. In fact, I have a hard time deciding whether Adams is a true believer who really lives his paranoid world view or a scammer with a talent for tapping into the paranoia of the more gullible. I suspect it's a little of both but leaning towards the former. After all, a man who can produce a video in which science is portrayed as an unrelenting force for evil probably must at some level believe that science is an unrelenting force for evil. Either that, or he's extremely good at lying and mimicking paranoia.

Whatever Adams' motivation, his penchant for bringing home the crazy was on full display last night in an article entitled Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck, becomes drug development partner with top global vaccine manufacturer. Somehow I ended up on Adams' mailing list a while back. Actually, I ended up on it twice, once per my two main blogging e-mail addresses, meaning that I get a double dose of crazy delivered to my in box every morning; so when this gem popped up I just couldn't resist. One of these days, fascination with this much concentrated misinformation might suck me past the event horizon of the black hole of crazy that is Mike Adams' website. Not today. Today, I take my amusement (and hopefully produce yours).

Antivaccine loons really, really hate Bill Gates. It has little to do with his having built Microsoft into the global behemoth that it is. Rather, it's all about what Gates has done since leaving Microsoft, namely his creation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Most normal people would view Gates' philanthropic activities post-Microsoft as a profound good, although, it's hard not to say, some wags might view them as his making up for foisting Microsoft Windows upon the world. Be that as it may, the Gates Foundation does a lot of good. What really irritates antivaccine loons is that a major focus of the Gates Foundation's philanthropy is making sure that as many children in Third World countries as possible are protected against deadly diseases, and one of the major tools Gates uses is the support of vaccination programs. Right there, on the Gates Foundation website, is a section on vaccines that contains statements like:

  • "Vaccines are one of the most effective health interventions ever developed."
  • "We believe that a coordinated effort to develop and distribute underused and new vaccines can save millions of lives."
  • "Our goal is to increase the use of effective but underused vaccines and introduce new vaccines to prevent a total of 4 million deaths per year."

To improve the delivery of effective but underutilized vaccines, the Gates Foundation has partnered with the World Health Organization, GAVI, the Sabin Vaccine Institute, and Agence de Médecine Preventive to "help countries vaccinate more of their children, introduce new and underused vaccines, eradicate polio, and control measles," using these strategies:

  • Revamp the "cold chain" delivery system to make it more effective in delivering vaccines.
  • Vaccinate more children of all ages with the proper vaccines.
  • Reach less accessible populations isolated by geography, culture, and religious practices.
  • Promote the development of new technologies that will make vaccines easier to store, safer to deliver, and less expensive.

No wonder a guy like Mike Adams would hate a guy like Bill Gates, especially since Gates has pledged $10 billion for vaccination programs and been very blunt about antivaccinationists, proclaiming things like:

Because the mothers who heard that lie, many of them didn't have their kids take either pertussis or measles vaccine, and their children are dead today. And so the people who go and engage in those anti-vaccine efforts -- you know, they, they kill children. It's a very sad thing, because these vaccines are important.

Age of Autism, not surprisingly, doesn't much like Gates, either.

However, if AoA is antivaccine hysteria cranked up to 11, Mike Adams is antivaccine hysteria cranked up to 100:

When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda. That's the new reality in which we live, where the world's largest software company is "in bed" with the world's largest vaccine pusher.

How so? In 2009, Microsoft purchased a key piece of technology from the drug company Merck, the world's largest maker of vaccines (which Bill Gates says can help "reduce the global population" by 10 to 15 percent). That technology, as you'll see below, can conceivably be used to develop eugenics vaccines that target specific races and nationalities with infertility-inducing pharmaceuticals -- something that is entirely consistent with Bill Gates' openly-admitted goal of reducing world population through the use of vaccines (see link to video below).

In actuality, this deal wasn't all that big as Microsoft purchases go. Basically, Microsoft purchased a company called Rosetta Software, which develops genomic information software that Microsoft wanted to integrate into its Microsoft Amalga Life Sciences, which is described as "system the company's Health Solutions Group has built for research institutions such as drug companies and universities" and software that "helps researchers make sense of data to develop drugs and conduct clinical trials." Sounds fairly unremarkable, right? Ever since new technology has accelerated the production of genomics data, these sorts of products have been popping up like kudzu in order to try to help scientists make sense of the terrabytes and petabytes of data flowing into their computers from techniques such as next generation sequencing (NGS).

It also turns out that Merck will "provide strategic input" to Microsoft as part of the deal. From this little sentence, Adams concludes that Microsoft has now become a eugenics company? But how does he "connect the dots"? First, he has to cite a famous speech that Bill Gates made back in 2010, in which he said:

The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

Antivaccinationists have leapt on this statement as "evidence" that (1) Bill Gates supports eugenics and (2) that, by saying this, Bill Gates "admitted that vaccines are used for depopulation." The antivaccine crankosphere went wild. Of course, it's obvious from the context that Bill Gates is pointing out a general observation that better health care, which includes reproductive services and vaccines, usually leads to populations leveling off. In other words, if we raise the health care standards of these countries, chances are good that they will have fewer children and that the rate of population increase will level off, not that we will "depopulate" the Third World. It's always telling how much antivaccinationists lie about this one statement, and Adams is no exception.

So now that he has the necessary elements for a conspiracy theory, namely the tenuous connection between the purchase by Microsoft of a small genomics software company and Bill Gates' support for vaccination programs, Mike Adams goes to town:

This is a key statement to understand, because the term "bioinformatic" can only mean one thing. What stores information in biology? These is only one digital storage system in human biology, and that system is, of course, DNA. Therefore, the idea of developing "bioinformatic solutions" really means to develop "gene-targeting drugs and vaccines."

Adams says that as though that would be a bad thing. Of course, the direction of pharmaceutical development is moving towards genomic solutions and means of targeting genes with drugs and vaccines! That's the way towards making drugs less toxic and potentially more effective. The quacks know that too. For instance, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has jumped on the genomics bandwagon, performing--uh, oh--"personalized gene-targeted cancer therapy." Yet to Adams Burzysnki is a hero.

Can you say "hypocrisy"? Sure, I knew you could.

Now that eugenics has been brought into the picture, you know where this is going, particularly given that it's Mike Adams we're talking about. Yes, that's right. It's time to bring in Adolf Hitler! After ranting about how Gates is "pursuing an agenda of human depopulation" and how this agenda is similar to agendas pursued by others, including, hilariously, "Adolf Hitler and a long list of former FDA Commissioners in the United States." Because, apparently, the FDA is just like Nazi Germany and FDA commissioners are just like Hitler.

But how? How will Bill Gates realize his nefarious vision of decreasing global population growth to only 1.3 billion people in the next couple of decades? Isn't it obvious? Adams thinks it is:

In order to kill off large swaths of human beings, the most efficient mechanism to use is a self-replicating, gene-targeted bioweapon. Microsoft's Amalga Life Sciences technology, purchased from vaccine developer March, theoretically provides a viable platform to develop precisely such bioweapons. It is interesting that no announcements from the company appear to have been made since being acquired by Microsoft in 2009, indicating that their work is now being conducted in total secrecy, behind closed doors.

Or the company has simply been totally absorbed into Microsoft, as so many companies before. Or Amalga has gone nowhere, and Microsoft has given up on it. Or any of a number of other possible explanations. Adams, however, zeroes right in on The One True Explanation, which to him is that Microsoft and Bill Gates have teamed up with Merk to produce a self-replicating, gene-targeted bioweapon. Does Gates even know what he's talking about? I think you know the answer. Adams seems not to understand that targeting individual genes wouldn't necessarily make a bioweapon more effective or the difficulties involved in developing such a weapon.

Why would the global elite and Illuminati want to develop such a bioweapon anyway? I was never clear on that. After all, apparently we have competing desires. On the one hand, Adams thinks that the global elite want a race of "superhumans." But on the other hand, corporations want more customers. Which is it? I'm so confused. No wonder I leave the thinking to our pharma reptilian overlords like Lord Draconis and concern myself with simply doing their bidding in return for a cut of that lovely, tasty pharma lucre.

And Adams' message has a lot of gullible people who believe it, too. For instance, get a load of this comment by someone named Robert S. Redfern, who writes:

The New World Order is really the 4th Reich and it is not just in the USA. It started in Europe and like a cancer it is spreading around the world. Mike Adams is the messenger, who are the warriors?

Here's a hint, Mr. Redfern: The proper term is "cannon fodder," not "warriors," and you are the cannon fodder for people like Mike Adams. He'll persuade you to abandon scientific medicine, refuse to vaccinate your children, and in general become credulous "sheeple" (to borrow a favorite conspiracy wingnut term) who will do anything that his alt-med masters ask.

Heh. Two can play at Adams' game. It's kind of fun, but I have to be careful. This is one case where the slippery slope might be real.

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Hmmm. I guess microsoft really is adamant about solving virus problem now. Pun definitely intended.

Even though Bill Gates "Teh Rich" , is plundering his funds on injecting other people's children with deadly aluminum filled vaccines, he still has not got my vote. I remain the vaccinelesss wonder that I am. Sorry, Billy Boy, you lose.

By Greg Kantrel (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

Mike Adam's google-fu isn't very good, looks like Microsoft Amalga is an actively marketed data system for health care providers. Oddly enough, genetic information does not seem to be one of the systems prime capabilities. But who knows, maybe 20 years from now doctors will look at the patients DNA sequences and say "look, that A -> C shift in position 198 on gene 20713, no wonder he's got asthma". Until then, not so much of relevance to patient care software.

You touched on a point that I have always wondered about. If the Global Cabal reduces the number of humans who's going to be their minions? Who's going to do the grunt work it takes the keep society working? If society collapses won't the GC also have problems?

I guess we have to assume that the GC is so evil that they don't care or so dumb they can't foresee what would happen.

You can also add Monsanto's poison, and Blackwater (now "XE), the biggest "private military contractors" (spies and mercenary) force in the world to the Gates military/ industrial/ tech/ agro/ media machine... Unbelievable. And Obama is pushing all of it on Africa with "Africom"; because being the "first African American President" and *bombing* Africa wan't enough, now he's overseeing the private corporate/ military re-colonizing of it.

Ron Paul is the only hope right now, the rest are all globalists and will give the "federal' reserve a pass on audit, or oversight; continue "chessboard" domination wars in the middle east and africa; and submit to global corporate tyranny. We're in a *lot* of trouble.

It starts with waking up to the false dem vs. rep illusion. Private banks and corporations manipulate *both*.

Thanks for spreading awareness. Cheers.

By Ascetic43 (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

tsig, you're clearly misunderstanding GC planing. For any X superhumans you need X*Y humans to run the X*Y*Z subhumans needed to slave away in the NWO. So the total number of people desirable is X+XY+XYZ, any more just breeds discontent and wastes resources. Just look at Lord Draconis's implementation for a working example of the minion concept.

Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

The context missing from this statement is that in much of the developing world fertility rates are between 3 and 7. (Replacement fertility level is about 2.1; the US level is around 2, while Europe and Japan are below 2) The two main reasons for such high fertility rates is that many kids still die young in such places, and that kids who survive to adulthood typically become their parents' equivalent of a retirement plan. (A third, implicit in the "reproductive health services" bit, is that affordable pregnancy prevention isn't always widely available in these places.) Vaccines would allow more children to survive infancy, so women wouldn't have to have so many children in order to hedge their bets.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

( Disclaimer: I own MSFT: but you probably guessed that)

And one of these days, Mikey will figure out how we @ RI pass around stock tips amongst ourselves. You can never have enough filthy lucre.

Mike has been carrying on about pharma "weapons" and GE mosquitos for some time now. *And* arming yourself, keeping stores of non-GMO food, learning how to stitch up wounds ( on chicken parts) as part of "being prepared" for the eventual calamity and breakdown of society which is *on its way*!

He tailors the crazy to fit political themes as they surface: libertarian, tea party, Occupy!, crunchy vibe... Does he believe any of this? I do think that he follows his own health advice- bizarre as it is: he has the look of the true fanatic- and in the deepest recesses of his fevered little brain, he sees himself as a Leader of the People, who will rise up against their Oppressors- a Revolutionary of Science and Social Transformation, all the while remaining his humble, folksy self, drinking his juices and feeding his chickens on his ranch outside Austin.

What he produces is a commercial for his products ( and himself) but he must believe part of the script.

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

WTF? *double facepalm*

From the Adams' mouth:

This is a key statement to understand, because the term "bioinformatic" can only mean one thing.

Informatic solutions applied to biological scientific projects?

What stores information in biology?

In biology sciences? Computers. Terabytes of them, and growing.


to develop eugenics vaccines that target specific races and nationalities with infertility-inducing pharmaceuticals

Is it only me, or do you have to be subconsciously very racist to spout something like this?
Or maybe just believing that you are a very special snowflake.

My point is, ASAIK, you don't have a single gene responsible for making you an African dude. Or an Asian lady. To start with, the populations in Africa, Asia or Europa are far from homogeneous, in skin tone, hair or any other racially-attributed physical attributes. You have trends, but also plenty of genetic overlap between populations who had a chance to live next to one another for a few generations.

The only human populations I know of with highly conserved genetics are tribes living in isolation (sometimes self-imposed), like some Basques villages in the Pyrenees mountains in my country.

If your "eugenic vaccine" has too broad a target, you are going to affect anyone with an African ancestor (that is, every human being on Earth). If you only focus on a single gene variant, you are going to miss all the other mutations.

Actually, the full premise is stupid and ridiculously complicated, like any True Conspiration (tm). If I wanted to eradicate the population of a specific country, and had vast amounts of the drug at hand to do it, I would simply taint their water supplies. Or mix it with their vaccines, if you really want to use vaccines as the distribution route. No need to make it specific to them in the first place, I am going to deliver my poison of choice specifically to them anyway.

tl;dr - Creating an eugenic vaccine is like mounting a laser on your sharks. A complete waste of resources.
Mr Adams seems to think that he is confronting b-movies villains.

He is beyond the event horizon and still accelerating.

By Heliantus (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda.

Wait. What? You mean there's now a reason an old school *NIX SysAdmin like me has a reason to actually buy an MS product?

It is one deep bucket of nutty over there. I have to say it is fascinating to watch the CTs develop in real time now. We couldn't do that before the internet.

Remarkably, every press release or product is seamlessly woven into the existing CT framework. If they didn't make so much on the credulous by selling them stuff, they could really make a killing in fiction.

Eric Lund

Vaccines would allow more children to survive infancy, so women wouldn't have to have so many children in order to hedge their bets.

Is that cause and effect science or is it Respectful Insolence pseudoscience?

By augustine (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

" No wonder I leave the thinking to our pharma reptilian overlords like Lord Draconis and concern myself with simply doing their bidding in return for a cut of that lovely, tasty pharma lucre."

Our Pharma Overlords are deeply into a world depopulation agenda, so that they can sell more drugs to...well, somebody.

It's all explained here at my new favorite antivax site, They've connected all the dots...Bill Gates, depopulation, vaccine toxins, chemtrails, orgone, shape-shifting lizards (Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Sebelius are among our reptile overlords) and lots lots more, all contained in one never-ending website page like all the best sites of this genre.

By Dangerous Bacon (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

One of these days, fascination with this much concentrated misinformation might suck me past the event horizon of the black hole of crazy that is Mike Adams' website.

As is well-known*, the higher your Cthulhu Mythos score the lower your maximum possible Sanity. Once you open your mind so wide that anything can crawl in and live there, it starts to "correlate all its contents", as H.P. Lovecraft described it.

*Well-known among Call of Cthulhu role-players, that is.

@ Dangerous Bacon:

My dear Illuminated Brother,

While I really enjoy how you make it sound like it's merely a joke chiding conspiracy mavens, *would you please* not go about _spilling the beans_! At least Krebiozen is discrete! Next thing I know, you'll probably be talking about GSK and Halliburton.... Ooops!

Sincerely, DW

It sure is good that Adams hasn't discovered the plan to deal with so-called "organic" foods. I have it on good authority that this spring, specially bred bees will be released to carry genetic modifications to plants everywhere, not to mention the GMO pollen from Monsanto crops. Using this route, the NWO can surreptitiously insert genetic codes into organic fruits and veggies. When consumed, this code will activate, turning the consumer into mindless, drooling drones.

Can you imagine what would happen if that got out? (Lord Draconis isn't reading this, is he? Did I say to much?)

@8. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of Microsoft. But for this, I might make an exception.

Our Pharma Overlords are deeply into a world depopulation agenda, so that they can sell more drugs to...well...

Poor people don't buy pharma's drugs. They can't afford them. But someone else could purchase pharma's drugs for them.


The world's population is growing at a tremendous rate, affecting growth and development. Apart from this population growth, unintended pregnancies resulting in elective abortions continue to be a major public health issue...

...Since both the developed and most of the developing nations have an infrastructure for mass immunisation, the development of vaccines for contraception is an exciting proposition.

By augustine (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

Still makes no sense. Lower populations = smaller orders from the governments = less money for Big Bad Pharma, dumbo.

By missmayinga (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

Hmmmm....I wonder why birth rates dropped in the developed world over the past hundred years (don't see too many mainstream US or European families with 10+ kids anymore).

Maybe between 20 - 50% of them aren't dying before adulthood anymore?

Lawrence@17 -- well, one must also factor in the increased availability and affordability of reliable contraceptives.

(Just to nit-pick).

Lawrence, I went to a talk about programs to develop food crops for Africa. There was some mention of population growth stabilization, but then some woman remarked that in a conversation in India with a man who had ten children that it was part of his culture to have lots of children (even though he may not be able to support them).

I was not able to reply, but all I could think of was that it was part of the Italian culture to have very large families, but now the average number is less than two.

Bill Gates should sue the (hemp) pants off him.

Here's eugenic Mike at his finest, telling his drones to go forth and tan to prevent cancer -

(It's all about the nutrition folks.. who knew!)

According to Adams, Bill Gates is also interested in genetically modified mosquitoes! Imagine that! He wants to sterilize male mosquito vectors. See this at the bottom of his screed against Bill Gates:

"All this comes on the heels of other recent news that Bill Gates is funding sperm-destroying technology to cause widespread male infertility ( His foundation has also funded genetically modified mosquitoes and other mad science experiments ("

The WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease funds research programs to genetically modify/sterilize male mosquito *malaria* and **dengue fever** vectors.

Why doesn't anyone speak out on behalf of vector mosquitoes who are being ruthlessly sterilized by Big Research, funded by Bill Gates?

* Malaria infects an estimated 216 million people each year, causing 655,000 deaths, according to the WHO.

** Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever infects an estimated 50-100 million people each year, causing 12,500-25,000 deaths, according to the WHO.

lilady, we're joking about that now, but wait until that is preached from the minaret in Nigeria, and we have a further drop in vaccination in areas critical for disease eradication. There are really people believing that vaccinations are hidden attempts at the male fertility by the evil westerners.

lilady, Adams might be wrong about pretty much everything, but he's actually right that the Gates foundation is interested in developing genetic approaches to eliminating malarial mosquito populations, as are many geneticists who study malaria. I actually happen to work fairly closely with some of the Gates-funded investigators involved in developing this kind of technology. This is a subject of great debate currently among biologists, with good points on both sides.

See this article (and the comments too!) for more info:


Why doesn't anyone speak out on behalf of vector mosquitoes who are being ruthlessly sterilized by Big Research, funded by Bill Gates?

It is as if someone is emulating the "Save the Guinea Worm Foundation", and missing the point that it's satirical.

By herr doktor bimler (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

It sure is good that Adams hasn't discovered the plan to deal with so-called "organic" foods.

He hasn't?

@ Adam G: I think I stated that the Gates Foundation is funding all sorts of research to ameliorate the human burden of malaria for people who live in malaria-endemic areas. It is not a "mad science experiment", as Adams claims.

I couldn't find your link...could you possibly provide the title of the article/study and date of publication, so I could "Google" it?

@ herr doktor bimler: Shhh...does Mike Adams know that Jimmy Carter is working toward eradication of the guinea worm?

Sorry lilady, I misunderstood your post! I definitely recommend reading up on the issue as it's actually very fascinating. I attached the link I was referring to to my ''s a Nature article so it may be behind a paywall. If the link doesn't work try googling "Ecology: A world without mosquitoes"

@ brsbe: Could Adams be advocating the benefits of tanning because his buddy Joe Mercola "pushes" the benefits of Vitamin D and Vitamin D supplements on his website?

For a really "good" tan, Joe sells a variety of tanning beds ($3,000-plus shipping and handling costs). The tanning beds do not age the skin, do not cause pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions...they actually "rejuvenate" the skin...according to Joe.

Fortunately, brother augustine does not yet comprehend the depth and scope of our pro-vaccine world depopulation agenda. It's not just the poor people - everyone will be eliminated:*

"While researching a powerful Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), uniting Wall Streetâs wealthiest industrialists, Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, discovered shocking evidence of a conspiracy to commit global genocide by generating diseases and death to advance profitable pharmaceutical depopulation...Dr. Horowitz urged humanitarian organizations and activist groups worldwide to issue investigations, alerts, civil complaints, and criminal charges to stop the pharmaceutical depopulation plot because it risks genetic inheritance, new pandemics, and the possible extinction of the human race."


*genocide for all but the grateful few shills and toadies, who will be whisked off to a new planet with a sumptuous lifestyle and favorable ratio of attractive breeders of the opposite (or same) sex.

By Dangerous Bacon (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

@ AdamG: And here I was trying to be so clever...and failed (sigh).

Thanks so much for the article, it is a terrific read.

When I worked in public health, my county was on the perimeter of the first West Nile Virus cases in the Western Hemisphere. Our county and state health department staff were involved in investigating and confirming cases and in monitoring (with the assistance of "sentinel" chickens), infected mosquitoes.

For a really "good" tan, Joe sells a variety of tanning beds ($3,000-plus shipping and handling costs). The tanning beds do not age the skin, do not cause pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions...they actually "rejuvenate" the skin...according to Joe.

What a scam artist he is! I'm going to start calling him Dr. Melanoma from now on.

By Edith Prickly (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

For those who are not aware (as I assume Mu is), a "vaccines cause sterility" rumor about a decade ago actually derailed a polio vaccination campaign in Kano, Nigeria, and is "credited" with possibly preventing the eradication of that virus in the wild.

It has always been my opinion that the Kano scare was a variation of superstitions about witchcraft causing male impotence, and it has been rather disorienting to see approximately the same story pop up among Euro-American "anti-vaxxers". It's especially curious that, in attributing the effect of permanent sterility to a single dose,these stories assume the existence of something vastly more powerful than any commercial birth-control pill, which have only temporary effect. Such exagerations seem understandable for the developing world, but why are people in modernized nations where contraceptives are widely available taking the idea seriously?

I think that for people like Mike Adams, well, this is his "shtick." It's a line of work he's somehow fallen into for one reason or another, and if he involved in this kind of nonsense, he might have to go out and find a real job.

Unfortunately, when that "act" is to spread misinformation about matters that can result in real harm, it's necessary to counter it with the hard work it takes to get people to understand what can often be complicated and confusing issues that often have no easy explanation, unlike other fields where such buffoonery wouldn't have bad consequences and can just be ignored or laughed at.

It's just a shame that so much effort has to be directed at towards these people. But it takes more work to figure out what's really going on, i.e., facts, than it does to spout baseless drivel.

By Tom Herling (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

@lilady: yup, the D-nut gravy train sure is gathering steam (make that hot air) these days.

And a 'good' tan eh, what an slick opportunist, (politely speaking). I think what frustrates me the most though is how mercola's 'followers' relentlessly shove those sparse theories and conjectures into the faces of vulnerable skin cancer patients..…

Oops. That should have read "if he wasn't involved in this kind of nonsense."

By Tom Herling (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink
Vaccines would allow more children to survive infancy, so women wouldn't have to have so many children in order to hedge their bets.

Is that cause and effect science or is it Respectful Insolence pseudoscience?

It is a very reasonable statement, and your response to it, without meaning to seem rude, suggests that you aren't fully aware of the data.

We can't prove that decreasing childhood mortality directly leads to reduced family size and reduced population growth. We can't do a controlled experiment - that would be grossly unethical.

But we can look at the evidence we have.

If you look at contemporary childhood mortality rates and contemporary fertility rates of various populations, you will see a strong inverse relationship.

Even more powerfully, fertility rates have gone down when childhood mortality rates have gone down, across diverse cultures, at different times - for example, more recently in parts of East Asia that were once characterized by poverty, high childhood mortality, and high population growth, but that have now achieved lower childhood mortality, such as South Korea.

We also have a highly compelling mechanistic hypothesis - it seems plausible that people would stop having children if they were more confident that the ones they already have will live.

None of this is 100% definitive, but overall, the available evidence supports the idea that reducing childhood mortality actually tends to reduce population growth.

It's especially curious that, in attributing the effect of permanent sterility to a single dose,these stories assume the existence of something vastly more powerful than any commercial birth-control pill, which have only temporary effect.

This was well preceded by the hCG-tetanus routine whipped up by Human Life International in Mexico and the Philippines, which remains a popular trope among the NWO set.

@ brsbe: Hey, we both posted on yesterday's Mercola Blog about his selling of tanning beds. Thanks for the link...I kinda enjoyed the comments from the disbelievers.

We already have a "shot" to prevent pregnancy; Depo-Provera (TM) which is given to women who are in long-term monogamous relationships. Of course, barrier methods (condoms) also protect people from transmitting/acquiring STDs including HIV. Then too, during the Bush II administration, the distribution of free condoms in Africa was severely limited and had a real impact on the spread of this disease.

As a side line, Mikey ( who has tirelessly promoted organic** and non-GMO products) now partners with Green Polka Dot Box, an organic, non-GMO food provider that ships directly to customers' homes: it's a "buyer's club"- if you mention Natural News, they will get points - that translate into cash- to continue their work, expanding their operation: the "fight for food freedom, health freedom, opposing GMOs" (articles in Natural News: Dec 22, 2011; Feb 1,2012) This will pressure Whole Foods to "clean up their act".

Yes, I imagine that Mike's impassioned pleas to "save humanity" from GMOs and contaminated, junk foods have nothing to do with the profit he expects to make.

** above, Todd W. reveals the plan Mikey is trying to circumvent. Curses! Foiled again!

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

Mr. Kantrel, what do you grow your aluminum free food? Have you found feldspar-free soil?

MESSAGE BEGINS---------------------------------

Shills and Minions,

Imperator Gates of the Grand Supreme MegaOmnipentium sends his kindest regards. He would have messaged you in person but he's spending some time in the vats to help reattach his dermal skinsuit which has been a bit loose of late. With all that money, why he relies on such primitive technology for his disguise is beyond me, but I digress.

There seems to be some confusion here about our ultimate intent here on Terra. As usual, the rebels Mike & Icke have it almost right.

If you would kindly refer to your Glaxxon Shill and Minion Manual IV you will find our plan for planetary subjugation laid out in its entirety in the chapter on Operation: Monkey Brain Shrink.

No, we do not want to reduce the population! We want to stupefy the population so that we have a docile, servile army of great strapping monkeys to do our nefarious bidding and buy whatever we tell them to.

We do this through our wonderful PrimaVaxx⢠vaccines, our MonkeyMist⢠Chemtrail series, MindMaster⢠utility meters, iPhones, iPads, Rothschild wines, chemically treated British Royal Family Souvenirs and subliminal programming 24/7 through our total control of all media and banking institutions.

Now, honestly, if we wanted you all dead, you'd all be dead. I have at my disposal six 70 yettawatt Virchk & M'traav inline singularity matter drivers up here and if I used just one of them set on the lowest of settings, you'd know it. We want you alive and productive for the great Egg-Mother, Her Imperial Highness Clopidogra Invicta XXIII (may she live for all time) and all of her myriad offspring.

Remember Shills and Minions, our tactic of "Emskreech ham'k v'shaamz" or as you would say, "Hide in Plain Sight" is unchanged. As always, our main weapon will continue to be mockery and you are to utilize thranzors or cryodaggers only in emergencies. Now get back to work!

Yours in Pure PharmaEvilâ¢,

Lord Draconis Zeneca, VC, iH7L

Forward Mavoon of the Great Fleet, Suzerain of V'tar and Pharmaca Magna of Terra, Grand Figment of Icke

PharmaCOM Orbital HQ


------------------------------------------ MESSAGE ENDS

Bill Gates "Teh Rich" , is plundering his funds

Plundering... squandering... same thing, right?

By herr doktor bimler (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

Plundering... squandering... same thing, right?

Must be all that deadly aluminium herr doktor. Then again, spelling, grammar and well saying much of anything correctly isn't exactly the anti-vaxxers' strong suit.

"Hmmm. I guess microsoft really is adamant about solving virus problem now. Pun definitely intended . . . plundering his funds on injecting other people's children with deadly aluminum filled vaccines, . . ."

Pun? What pun? And look up "plunder" while you're at it. Your post was as grammar-free as it was science-free, and now you're on Lord Draconis' radar as being affiliated with the dreaded rebel Adams. I'd get a food taster if I were you, aluminum is now the least of your worries.

By Pareidolius (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

As a side line, Mikey ( who has tirelessly promoted organic** and non-GMO products) now partners with Green Polka Dot Box, an organic, non-GMO food provider that ships directly to customers' homes

Well, I find this amusing, but I have a Steinerite CSA in the area (great stuff, overall, but the four pounds of sunchokes lost me): THEY'RE ASTROTURF!

@ Narad: Didn't you get the "goodie bag" from you know who? Mine contained a prepaid Costco corporate membership card, some Costco gift cards and proof Krugerrands.

When I filled out and submitted in quadruplicate, the Pharma Shill requisition, I remember that I specified Costco, not Green Polka Dot Box or *Whole Foods* prepaid membership and gift cards.

* a/k/a "Whole Paycheck" (thanks, daughter)

My dearest Lord Draconis,

There is a little problem: if we use vaccines to dumb down the public further then won't that in of itself make them even *more* responsive to the truth-telling of Adams et al who- let's be frank- don't exactly attract the sharpest tools in the shed? Why didn't you run this by *me* first?

Sincerely, love and kisses,

Didn't you get the "goodie bag" from you know who?

I didn't get nothing. I had to pay 50 dollars and pick up the garbarge.

Off topic -- the Onion has a piece satirizing the Huffington Post; an excerpt:

"I heard this grinding noise, and then I saw all these Washington Post stories, sexy pictures of people in the workplace, and celebrÂity anti-vaccine editorials start to back up on the factory floor," said Huffington Post editor Emily Paxton, .... "

By palindrom (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

I just called my housemate into my computer room here so he could read this thread too. It'd be funnier if it weren't so real-world serious.

Say, Lords and Ladies of PharmaCOM, when do I start getting my cut? Surely you know I'm in it to win it for the cause too. I understand that I'm not as big a contributor as, say, those of us here who work in healthcare, but that's ok, I'm not asking for the same contribution -- from each, according to their abilities, to each, according to their contributions, right? :)

By Interrobang (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

@ palindrom: That's a great article from the Onion. That's why I rarely post there...besides RI is so much rollicking fun.

@ Interrobang: Get your application and requisition filled out and submitted in quadruplicate to the Glaxxon PharmaCOM Orbital (Attention: Compensation Committee). Big Pharma stocks on the NYSE are "up", YTD.

"We already have a "shot" to prevent pregnancy; Depo-Provera (TM)..."

I had to look that one up. I notice that its effects are described as "reversible", and it's reported that a new dose is required about every three months. Hence, if someone WERE trying to deliver it surreptitiously, a vaccine administered once or a few times in a lifetime is NOT going to do the job. It's also striking that, if there WERE something that could do the job without repeat doses, the commercial contraceptive industry would either be trying to sell it or trying to squash it.

@ David N. Brown: Here again, I was trying to be sarcastic. I wouldn't recommend that "shot" for long-term contraception because there is a "Black Box Warning" due to bone calcium demineralization.

MESSAGE BEGINS----------------------

Shills and Minions,

Well, we've had a bit of trouble up here in orbit. Cindy has asked me to make sure that all Minions got their 1099s. The Shills got theirs last week but I heard a few Minions hadn't received theirs as of today. The Glaxxon Expeditionary & Subjugation Ministry in all their infinite wisdon, decided to send us a new bookkeeper, a rather nearsighted, dyspeptic, cephalopoid Sk'hoon, whom they assured me was top notch, but couldn't find it's excretion port with a tormadic podding skien. All I know is that Cindy has been using especially colorful invective under her breath as she and two Altarkkan Minions attempted to restore order to the files here on the station and set our books to right. As my exhalted egg-mother used to say "Chee h'vrak mektok pvash" (I can never have anything nice).

Apologies for any delay in your paperwork processing. At least it wasn't a total loss since I found a marvelous new recipe for Sk'hoon.

Stay fresh and ferocious my monkeys,

Lord Draconis Zeneca VH7iL

Forward Mavoon of the Great Fleet, Grand Vitara of Schenectady VII, Auditor General of the Odgen Dominium

Glaxxon PharmaCOM Orbital

By Glaxxon Pharma… (not verified) on 02 Feb 2012 #permalink

lilady @53: thank you - I really appreciate your advice on how to go about this process. As a very new minion, one was somewhat unsure, but did not want to incur our Lord's displeasure by Doing It Wrong. (While I love cooking, I suspect I would not really enjoy becoming a key part of a recipe myself!)

My Lord Draconis: I have taken the liberty to advise one of the nestlings to submit an application for remuneration to the Glaxxon PharmaCOM Orbital Compensation Committee. We must have a career path for the new hatchlings, nestlings and chicks who have shown exemplary talents to advance our cause of intergalactic domination of everything that is evil.

The Glaxxon Expeditionary & Subjugation Ministry should screen their sk'hoon cechalapoid bookkeepers...good help is so hard to find, these days.

Do share your delectable recipe for sk'hoon. Did you invite the bookkeeper for dinner?

Felicitations to dear Baron and Baroness Rothschild and to Cindy.

@lilady: not I, although I wish it were so. (Been having a rollicking time on the Oz site tho:)

Went dumpster diving and found this fascinating little gem.. it seems the ol' boy will be pushing stainless fry pans next. (Gotta love his rationale for this one.. Non-Stick Pans Found to Reduce Vaccine Effectiveness… )

(Oh and the link provided is improving as we speak.)

He beat you to it, I won't link to it but he sells cookware already. I used to call him Dr. Joe "Teflon kills, buy my ceramic pans" Mercola.

By Krebiozen (not verified) on 03 Feb 2012 #permalink

When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda.

I used to have bad conscience about buying the Evil Empire's products but now Mike Adams has soothed my soul.

By Andreas Johansson (not verified) on 03 Feb 2012 #permalink

"Went dumpster diving and found this fascinating little gem.. it seems the ol' boy will be pushing stainless fry pans next. (Gotta love his rationale for this one.. Non-Stick Pans Found to Reduce Vaccine Effectiveness… )"

If using non-stick pans actually reduced vaccine effectiveness, wouldn't Mercola want us to use them? That would be one way to counteract the Evil Vaccines. Of course you'd expose yourself to higher levels of a Toxin, but could there be such a thing as a Protective Toxin? Or maybe you could flush out the Toxin later with coffee enemas.

So many questions, so much lunacy.

By Dangerous Bacon (not verified) on 03 Feb 2012 #permalink

@brsbe: He sells a whole line of expensive ceramic cookware including pots, bake ware, tea sets, soup pots and soup bowls.

The article that he cited from NPR is actually from JAMA "Serum Vaccine Antibody Concentration In Children Exposed to Perfluorinated Compounds" (January 2012). It is a prospective study of a birth cohort of ~ 600 children up to date with immunizations, born in the Faroe Islands and matched for PFOA levels and tetanus and diphtheria Ab levels tested at ages 5 and 7 years old. (PFOAs serum levels are rising in most children because of the use of the chemical in manufacturing of apparel and cookware).

He claims to have tested various other cookware and his own ceramic cookware for content and leaching of aluminum, cobalt, chrome, Iron and Nickel...oh wait...he didn't test any of the cookware for lead content and leaching.

Wanna bet, that Joe's ceramic cookware is manufactured in China, contains lead and leaches lead?

Check out his organic meats (beef, chicken, ostrich and bison) and his 100 year unconditional money-back guarantee for the organic beef. "take-down" of Joe's ceramic cookware is stuck in "moderation". I went "dumpster diving" and found the article he refers to in the JAMA, January, 2012 issue

First, pretty much anyone with two brain cells to rub together can apprehend that pretty much every problem we face could be moderated if there were fewer people on earth. Food supply, energy supply, labor excess, transportation, military conflicts, tribal and racial frictions, et al, all would be less an issue if there were a smooth and even reduction in population over a long time. Anyone claiming this isn't true is either stupid or push their own agenda and lying to you.

That said, it is clearly a fact most people don't care to contemplate, much less embrace. People dying seems viscerally wrong. Life-good, death-bad is hard wired into our brains but rationally we know people die and this is right, good, and entirely natural. Immortality is inherently unnatural and problematic. Even those who recognize the desirability of controlling our population are going to disagree as to the degree of population change needed, zero growth to long term reductions, and methods.

Assuming the most fevered dreams of Mike Adams, and Alex Jones, a systematic selective poisoning/lowering of fertility rates by way of vaccinations, I don't see a down side. My preferences would be more along the lines of what the Gates Foundation is demonstrably doing, improving health to alter cultural norms to lower birth rates, but I fail to see the down side. A friend on a forum writes about the grand and evil conspiracy to lower the human population and he starts foaming at the mouth when I fail to get alarmed. He posts long diatribes and my reaction, assuming I read them, most are copy and paste repeats of the same point over and over again, and my reaction is ... "meh".

He thinks I'm a ghoul. I think he fails to understand reality and uses his emotional reaction to think for him. He also seems to be a depressive who isn't happy without his hair on fire.

Just out of curiosity, Art, what forum do you frequent that attracts such foam-at-the-mouth conspiracy nutters as that friend of yours? He doesn't sound like much of a friend.

Anyway, I'd probably spring for ceramic cookware myself - not because of any health concerns, but because I don't like picking Teflon chips out of my scrambled eggs when those pans start to wear out. However, I do think you can get them cheaper elsewhere than Mr. Mercola's site.

Stuff always seems to be cheaper in places where the proprietor doesn't have an axe to grind.


One other thing the ugh troll misses out on is the lack of competing plausible hypotheses.

If he's got any better demographic explanation for the pan-cultural drop in birth rates following drops in child mortality and increases in sustenance-level affluence, he's welcome to share references to the appropriate literature.

Most of the forums that cover guns, knives, camping, homesteading, and survival, or construction trades, at least those that haven't been overly civilized through heavy moderation, have a subset of regular commenters that will fly off into deep-dark conspiracy land if poked.

On moderated forums it can be a sporting entertainment to assert claims and ask question in a way that will get their goat and get them banned for a few days while your posts seem entirely innocent.

In this context I use the term "friend" fairly loosely even as there are frequent bass notes of care. While the ultra-right talking points, and usual conspiracy outlets, tend toward the gratuitously abusive when faced with anything less than agreement there is often an undercurrent of real concern. Commie pinko fag is damn near a term of endearment in some cultures. If you simply understand that it is a misspelling of 'you did/said something I wouldn't' (because I have an image to maintain) it gets easier. If you further notice the puppy-like need to follow and answer every comment, and the clear disappointment when you don't engage, and tendency to sulk when you whack them with a rolled up newspaper (reality based arguments), it seem obvious that this is keyboard based roughhousing. Friendship is, in this arena, a rhetorical bloodying of a brother.


One other thing the ugh troll misses out on is the lack of competing plausible hypotheses.

Hey flute boy,
I don't need a competing plausible hypothesis to point out his theory has no cause and effect science. He just has speculation of what goes on in the mind of developing world family.

Is this how science works?

If i come up with the first plausible hypothesis then it's correct(even though it's not true) until a competing hypothesis seems more popular?

This is pseudoscience skeptic BS. Where are all of the real skeptics and objective scientists around here.
There is no science here. It's hypocrisy and an opinion popularity contest

It is a very reasonable statement, and your response to it, without meaning to seem rude, suggests that you aren't fully aware of the data.

I didn't say it wasn't reasonable. I said there is no scientific cause and effect to the speculation. I don't need to be "fully aware" of the data to state that.

Increasing vaccination rates are proportional to autoimmune diseases....

What is it you say? Correlation does not equal causation?

I guess if it fits Science Based Medicine politics/philosophy then correlation alone does equal causation. If it doesn't fit? Well, minions, you know what to do.

By augustine (not verified) on 07 Feb 2012 #permalink

Ugh troll:

You are wielding the terms "skepticism" and "correlation does not equal causation" as magic spells to deflect argument rather than understanding what they mean (in particular the latter) and why.

If you have two phenomena A and B which correlate together (in this case, improved childhood mortality rates and lower birth rates), there are three possible chains of causality:

(1) A causes B (improved childhood mortality rates are a causal factor of lower birth rates)
(2) B causes A (lower birth rates are a causal factor of improved childhood mortality rates)
(3) some other phenomenon C causes both A and B
(4) the correlation of A and B is a coincidence

The phrase "correlation does not equal causation" is a shorthand for indicating that in order to be confident of (1) we must be able to rule out (2) through (4).

In the context of my comment, it is important to note that each of (2) through (4) above are competing hypotheses which would require evidentiary support to be tenable alternatives to (1) in the long run (in the case of (4), we would have to find that the correlation of A and B breaks down or never find any evidence of any other link between A and B indicative of causality).

I'm sure that there is fascinating reading in the historical & sociological literature which can lend some insight into this topic. However, I'm not digging through literature to humour a mendacious ass such as yourself.

As for your attempt at a riposte re: vaccination & autoimmune diseases:

First you have to show that the latter are rising and that there exists a correlation between their rise and vaccination rates to begin with.

I'm sure that there is fascinating reading in the historical & sociological literature which can lend some insight into this topic. However, I'm not digging through literature to humour a mendacious ass such as yourself.

I'm sure you wouldn't dig, Liberace. You don't have to defend yourself in the psuedoskeptic echochamber.

The phrase "correlation does not equal causation" is a shorthand for indicating that in order to be confident of (1) we must be able to rule out (2) through (4).

I'd like to see that non existent evidence of ruling out "2 through 4". Oh, your just "sure" that it's there. No need to prove that you're right. Apparently you don't need no stinkin evidence. Vaccination leads to lower lower population via psychological mechanisms is the accepted medical paradigm.

By augustine (not verified) on 07 Feb 2012 #permalink