The server for Science-Based Medicine is down

This is just a quick announcement. I've been informed by Steve Novella that the Science-Based Medicine blog is currently down. It's been down for several hours now. Steve's crack team of techies is working on the problem right now. More information as updates come in.

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Oh no! We need more hamsters! MORE HAMSTERS!!!

I just looked at it. It seems to have been hijacked. I have just sent a screen shot to Orac's friend.

The server was apparently hacked, but that image was not caused by the hacking. It showed up after the techies brought the server back up again but before the new DNS entry propagated. It's propagating now, but I still can't see the blog.

An odd April fool's joke I think....

Missed the placeholder but fortunately, the hamster is back on his wheel now, and SBM lives!

I still get the placeholder.

#6 Run little hamster! Run!

Chris - have you tried pressing shift+F5 to refresh?

There is no reason if I just open the page from another link.

But it is back for me now!

I'm still seeing the woo-heavy 'under construction page'.
Have tried multiple browsers (resetting cached data) to no avail.
Does anyone have a progress report?

By earlytetrapod (not verified) on 01 Apr 2013 #permalink

before the new DNS entry propagated

Why did they change the A record in the first place? A 'dig' gave me the new address, which briefly loaded sans CSS, but that's out now, as well.

The problems are back. I can open the home page, but when I click on a post link I get errors.

By Julian Frost (not verified) on 02 Apr 2013 #permalink

Around 3 AM EDT this morning, my old "bookmarked" link to SBM didn't work. I "googled" SBM, and got to the site. I then deleted my old "bookmarked" SBM, bookmarked SBM and got on.

Now the new bookmarked SBM and when I google SBM, do not work.

It's back up for me (as of 10:30 am Eastern).

By Nick Theodorakis (not verified) on 02 Apr 2013 #permalink

For me also. With Harriet Hall.

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 02 Apr 2013 #permalink

Still cannot connect with my new bookmarked link to SBM.

Googling SBM, I just got (10:38 AM EDT), an "Error establishing a database connection" message.

Spoke too soon. The main page loads, but I get the same database error Orac gets when trying to load an individual article.

By Nick Theodorakis (not verified) on 02 Apr 2013 #permalink

The main page loads for me, although really slowly, but then I get the database error.

Seems to work now, no error from across the pond.

By Stephan Brun (not verified) on 02 Apr 2013 #permalink

For me it also works.

Obviously the site has been hacked by Giant Supplement.

By Dangerous Bacon (not verified) on 02 Apr 2013 #permalink

It's still kind of broken. Attempts at posting are giving me a "comments for this topic are closed" message, even though they continue to appear. I figured I'd try to log out and log back in to clear any cookies, but now it won't let me do that.

Oh, and the comment box here seems to be acting a bit screwy as well, requiring me to click back in the box after every 20 characters to keep typing.

I got on the SBM website...slow to load.

I then attempted to post on Dr. Gorski's article a "Test Post" and received a message "Sorry comments to this item are closed".

At 4:40 PM EDT I posted a "test post" comment on SBM and it got through.

My second comment is still "in moderation".

looks like the server for Bias Based medicien is still up though.

By Rhandi Paige (not verified) on 04 Apr 2013 #permalink


Yawn, try harder, troll.

"looks like the server for Bias Based medicien is still up though."

Looks like Brave Sir Robin from Mississippi is posting again.

@ lilady


What is a Bave Sir Robin? Is that a new species of bird recently discovered?

By Rhandi Paige (not verified) on 05 Apr 2013 #permalink

@Rhandi Page:

What is a B[r]ave Sir Robin? Is that a new species of bird recently discovered?

No. "Brave Sir Robin" is a character from a Monty Python film who is being followed by a minstrel who sings about him. At one point, Sir Robin loses his nerve and bolts, so the minstrel sings "Brave Sir Robin ran away." An antivaxxer who drops a turd of a comment and then doesn't comment further is called a "Brave Sir Robin".

By Julian Frost (not verified) on 05 Apr 2013 #permalink

Plus the clueless troll who posted as "Medicien Man" was someone whose real name is Rob Hood.

It may be a case of mistaken typo.

There may still be trouble at SBM, I made an account there today, got logged out and then logged in to post a joke at dr Hall's piece, and was told I had an invalid username/password pair. When I tried to reset the password, I was told I was not allowed to. I remember there being trouble with the passwords, but imagined it had been fixed. Perhaps it has not been fixed for new users? My (new) password was also xkcd-compliant.

Not really important. It was just a reverse polarities joke.

By Stephan Brun (not verified) on 12 Apr 2013 #permalink

Update: Now that was seriously odd. I just clicked the link in the password letter, and got in. Can't imagine what went wrong before.

By Stephan Brun (not verified) on 12 Apr 2013 #permalink

Argh. I see what I did wrong. I got an account at Neurologica, not SBM. Forget me, I'm an idiot ....

By Stephan Brun (not verified) on 12 Apr 2013 #permalink