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This is it, folks - we're coming round into the home stretch of DonorsChoose, with one week left in October. And there is some great news - ScienceBlogs has decided to donate FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to Donors Choose, distributed among the bloggers who are participating! I'm still checking about…
The DonorsChoose '08 Blogger Challenge has been wildly successful so far; you, our readers, have exceeded expectations with your generous donations, now totalling over $16,500. Whether it's the competitive aspect that's driving you to donate or simply the goodness of your hearts we don't know, but…
I've been a bit too quiet on my end during this third year of participation in the October Blogger Challenges for was launched by Charles Best, a Bronx schoolteacher who recognized that public schools around the US were underfunded, particularly…
Math-averse readers! Do not be scared off! You can enjoy this entry even if as far as you're concerned the equations are pretty pictures of Cypriot syllabary. Not long ago we looked at adding up lots of consecutive integers. Multiplying consecutive integers is also interesting, and not only that…