Sent to the lions

So this guy sneaks into the lion's den at the Kiev Zoo. Shouts, "God will save me, if he exists," lowers himself by rope into the pen, takes off his shoes, and...

According to Reuters:: of the lions seized him by the throat. The man died at the scene.

Surely a candidate for the Darwin Awards, no?

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I'm not fond of the Darwin Awards. First of all, they usually target a sort of foolish behavior that has very little to do with natural selection and everything to do with individual circumstances. Second, they tend to perpetuate the idea that Darwinism is equivalent to Social Darwinism, which is noxious.

I've also noticed that the recipients tend to be 1) From the poorer classes 2) Uneducated and 3) Drunk or otherwise impaired. One might argue that this last part is Darwinian selection attempting to weed the taste for alcohol from our phenotype, but it's been mightily ineffective to date, and besides, I can think of all sorts of things in my own history that Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time, but weren't.

In actual fact, the Award recipients are very rarely younger than child-bearing age, so the selection pressure is pretty minimal. For the case in the new item, I rather think that the poor fellow was insane; if he'd been jabbering about fluffy bunnies because he was hallucinating, would he have rated a news item, or a Darwin Award nomination?

So, are the Darwin Awards really about Natural Selection, or are they more a case of Making Fun of People who Didn't Go to College?

On the other hand, I hereby apologize for beating up on you for your blogging an item that was no doubt meant in jest.

The lions were sitting in their cage at the zoo and decided to perform an experiment.

"If there is a God, He will bring a human over to our side of the wall for lunch and He will get it here in 30 minutes or less."

"Naah. No way. You're crazy."

(Human jumps over the wall.)

"You see? There -is- a God."

By Mike Stone (not verified) on 04 Jul 2006 #permalink

So, are the Darwin Awards really about Natural Selection, or are they more a case of Making Fun of People who Didn't Go to College?

What, so its our fault that Hey Bubba, watch this and Hold my beer while I try this are among the most popular last lines?