For adults only: Emergency contraception

If you haven't already read Mike Dunford's latest posts (first here, and then here) on the FDA's attempt to restrict emergency contraception to adults only, it's time. Then, just for fun, try to square the government's position on abortion (it's wrong) with its actions (denying girls and young women easy access to a drug that will prevent abortions).

The only explanation that doesn't assume massive hypocrisy and/or a conspiracy to maximize needless pain and suffering, is that the religious right, whose views hold sway in the White House, simply doesn't understand how "Plan B," a.k.a. the morning-after pill, actually works. For an excellent overview of the biology involved, read PZ's account.

This sort of thing isn't what motivated Jefferson, Paine et al., to push for a secular state back in the 18th century, but we shouldn't always have to look back 200 years in search of justification for essential governing principles. If ever there was an argument in support of a wall of separation between church and state, this is is it.


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The only explanation that doesn't assume massive hypocrisy and/or a conspiracy to maximize needless pain and suffering, is that the religious right, whose views hold sway in the White House, simply doesn't understand how "Plan B," a.k.a. the morning-after pill, actually works.

I am certain that this is true for many rank-and-file opponents of Plan B and I've come across quite a few proponents of Plan B who also don't understand how it works. The media have quite frequently repeated the incorrect assertion that Plan B works by preventing implantation. A pharmacist who opposes Plan B does not have that excuse, barring incompetence IMO. Nor does the FDA.

And quite frankly, I have zero problem believing that the leadership of the "religious right" are both hypocrits and intentionally promoting falsehoods in order to get their way. The leadership know well that many more people oppose abortion than opponse contraception. The false but common public perception that Plan B prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus rather than merely preventing ovulation gets people on their side who otherwise would not be. I have no problem believeing that they would perpetuate this falsehood.