
For anyone wondering about the recent decline in frequency of posts to the Island of Doubt, I must report that things are only going to get worse. Yesterday, my wife, Mary, and I welcomed our first-born son into this world, and I doubt I'm going to have all that much free time to indulge in extra-curricular activities. At least that seems to be a safe assumption.

Anyone interested can view Aidan here. I will resume posting just as soon as time and energy permits.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, however, I have every intention of attending the NC Blogging Convention in January and hope to meet some of you there. I promise not to whip out the wallet photos -- unless asked.


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Congratulations to you both! Yet another reason to remember this week as a good one.

There once was a man with three Y's
Who married a very lovely wife
They had a baby
Who will, just maybe
Be as skeptical as he will be wise!

Felicitations a tous! Pierre

By Pierre Caron (not verified) on 12 Nov 2006 #permalink