I want this:

More like this

Well, normal pedal-electric bikes are sold everywhere. Funky design but other than that I don't really see the point of this one.

Looks uncomfortable... too upright. Why couldn't they have adopted the normal bicycle posture? Styling, looks like.


In the Netherlands electric bikes are becoming very common for elderly and not so elderly people. But the prices are very different:E 899.- to E 2899.- (roughly $1260.- to $4060.-).
Of course this customer group prefers a somewhat more conservative styling, (still nice looking).
It's strange that this expensive designer model gets so much attention while excellent existing models are ignored.

By Bob Schmitz (not verified) on 26 Sep 2007 #permalink

Yes, there are lots of pedal electric bikes out there. One purrs through our neighborhood every day. But it's not a hybrid pedal electric, with regenerative braking.

I want one too! I have a post on my blog titled, Plug in hybrid vehicles could save the planet! I know it sounds like hyperbole, and maybe it is leaning that way, but the statistics in the post, I believe I got from Science Daily, are very impressive.
The vehicles can be recharged at night. You don't have to build new coal burning plants to charge them since it is off peak time for the plants.
Carbon sequestering is easier off one smokestack instead of a million moving tailpipes.
I sent a link to a number of manufactures and media telling them they could use the blog, http://specialtimescience.org/science_blog.html, or the post in any way to further the cause.
Most of the manufacturers can't keep up with demand and the media feedback was lots of people are interested in finding out how to get one for themselves.
I think this is something that the government or big biz could get involved with and start miking a big dent in the carbon problem. ( one man's humble opinion)
Dave Briggs :~)