Shatner in space?

Friday morning chuckle: The Science Channel asks William Shatner about scotched plans to get him into space:

Q: And there was some kind of mix-up with the Richard Branson civilian space project?

A: Well, I guess you could call it that. He thought I should pay to go into space, and I thought he should pay me. The conversation pretty much ended there.


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The star won't make the trek?!

Not without being paid for the enormous publicity he'd be giving them. :)

Ho! LOL!
The chap (Shatner) is an actor and he is NOT Capt' Kirk. He has an Agent who attends the "details". He is most rational in asking just how much he would be paid to get into an amateur tin can & blast off. The series was a lotta fun but it wasn't real. Capeche?

Put both Shatner and Nimoy in on the same launch and that's worth a couple tens of millions in publicity. Unless the headline comes back "Star Trek Icons Perish in Botched Space Ride".


I think everyone knows that William Shatner isn't Cpt. James Tiberius Kirk, the character he portrayed in the Star Trek movies and TV series. That doesn't mean that it would serve no purpose to send him into space.

As has been mentioned by others it would give Branson's endeavor a huge amount of publicity. It would also be gratifying for the millions of people who grew up watching Star Trek to see "Cptn. Kirk" actually make it into space.

Of course they would have to build a "helm" and have footage of him lurching from side to side in the press release.

"To boldly go where no overwieght, toupe wearing, hack actor has ever gone before."

Seriously you have to love Shatner. The guy has comfortably made the transition to self-parodying comic icon.