It's a date: Science Debate 2008

Great. We have a date for the still-theoretical Science Debate 2008. Is its fate to remain in that unrealized state, or will it rise above the level of rhetorical bait, and actually engage the candidates in an exchange about the research on each other's campaign platform plate? Maybe we've left it too late? Any at rate, I can think of no reason to wait any further.

Chris and Sheril and an ever-growing list of famous science-types who support the idea of getting the presidential contenders together to talk science finally have set a venue and time for the event. April 18 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The brilliant part about that setting it is comes right before Pennsylvania's primary, which, if we're very lucky, will still be relevant by then.

It's still a long shot, but even if all the effort accomplishes is a little more media attention, and a little reflection by the pundits on why it doesn't come about, it will have been worth it. Read about how to do your little part to make it happen.


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