Why I'm now an optimist

Mostly because I'm tired of being a pessimist. But there's also things like this:

"Delay is not an option. Denial is no longer acceptable." Gotta love that.

h/t to Reader Brian D for directing me to the video. Much better than the print coverage of same.

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Have you spotted the news about the UK Government passing a climate change bill committing the country to an 80% reduction on 1990 levels by 2050, with 5 yearly carbon budgets? Apparently this passed nearly unanimously. I'd appreciate your comments on whether this represents a template for the rest of the world...

Keep up the good fight, by the way. I occasionally get depressed too, but that's no way to live.

Why not trade pessimism for realism? A speech is easy. Real solutions will not be so easy. The truth is that delay still is an option, and many powerful people still believe that denial is acceptable.

Let's see what Obama and the new Congress actually do before we declare victory.

The guy needs to get a new chair! That one is wonky.

Well, he is getting a new chair. The one behind the desk in the White House.

And J. Clifford: what I liked most about the speech embedded above is Obama's admission that it won't be easy. If for no other reason, Obama deserves the benefit of the (island of) doubt because he's not just telling us what we want to here. For a change.

Of course, I remain skeptical. But the guy isn't in office yet. So it's not time to crank up the cynicism just yet

You are a mindless loon. Your parrotings are worthless. Stop wasting perfectly good internet space.

By Canuck the Yuck (not verified) on 20 Nov 2008 #permalink