Canada learns to love global warming

Too precious not to pass along:

Canadian Tourism Federation Welcome Video from Canadian Tourism Federation on Vimeo.

In case there's any doubt. There is no "Canadian Tourism Federation."


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I stumbled across them last night and for a minute or two couldn't tell if they were Poe or not. A couple of links later and it was clearer, though. Love the "polar bear colouring contest".

Can I encourage you to purchase some EUAs. (I think there might be a UK organization also, but havent found it yet).
Its about 12E per ton at the moment. Visit ...

TheCompensators* » What we do

If we can get a few thousand, dear I say million, to purchase a few, then this will have an immediate direct big impact on reducing CO2 emissions and making a big splash in the media.

BTW this is also a better mechanism for offsetting personal emissions than say purchasing airline offsets. It is more direct, transparent and immediate.

Please pass on the link to anyone who you think might be interested (or not:)

It has only been in the last year that many have become âawareâ of the climate change threat, but do not /will not acknowledge the scale and timing of the situation.

I think as the threat becomes more ârealâ then leaders will just have to jump in with radical changes a)because they will have to b)to shock people in to realization.

For instance, we all know it will be the end of the world (as we know it) within the century, but Obama chooses Health Care over Climate change. What message does that send to the public?

There is a big debate over whether or not he goes to Copenhagen. Whatâs the messageâ¦Oh, it canât be that pressing an issue then.

Its these nuances, often from scientist as well, that re-enforce the apathy we see form the masses. Allowing them to hang on to their system justification as long as they can.

Apocalypse fatigue: Losing the public on climate change…
Even as the climate science becomes more definitive, polls show that public concern in the US about global warming has been declining. What will it take to rally Americans behind the need to take strong action on cutting carbon emissions?

Unfortunately the voices in that video are incomprehensible. (Weirdly, the music sounds just fine.)

Ah yes. Changing the climate. It's as Canadian as maple syrup.

At least THEY think people believe them when they say greenhouse gas emissions warm the climate. No problem believing it when they actually want warming.

By Chris O'Neill (not verified) on 19 Nov 2009 #permalink

Yeah, if you keep billing it as global "warming" it's going to be hard to get Canadians to really deep down feel concern. If you could sell it as "horrifically increased humidity" then you might create a real sense of urgency, as Canadians fear humidity much more than they like warmth.

Today, global warming has become such a threat that if all the religious leaders and citizens of the world do not come together to fight this, a day would come when all the beings on earth will come to an end. So, together we must take this forward.

llewelly: I don't know the technical terms to describe this, but the voices are only come out one side: on my headphones, they're only in the left earpiece. Perhaps there's something you can adjust.

James: you appear to have a link-spam problem (see comments 8 and 9).