A good kind of wedge

Just a reminder that the next edition of the geology-centered blog carnival The Accretionary Wedge is going to be up at Green Gabbro on Jan. 23rd (the day after I start the spring semester, oh joy...). The topics are your (least) favorite geological misconceptions and geology & pie (mmm... strata), so if you've got something cooking send it on over. Being that I've read When Life Nearly Died, T. rex and the Crater of Doom, and Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle recently (as well as started in on The Cuvier-Geoffrey Debate), I think I'll try to cover the perceived debate between uniformitarianism and catastrophism and its importance to the study of mass extinctions. If I'm able to pull off such a post without horribly misconstruing the current state of things will be anyone's guess, but I figure it's worth a shot.

Also, keep in mind that the next Boneyard is going to be up on the 26th at The Dragon's Tales.

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