Linnaeus' Legacy #4 is up

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This month's Carnival of the Blue is happening now at The Natural Patriot. The quality and layout have improved remarkably over time, due largely to the efforts of past Carnival hosts. This is also one of the better moderated collections so far. Host Emmett Duffy does a great job providing a few…
Well three years in to this intellectual hurricane we call DSN and I am going have to take down my beloved "We Never Won A Blog Award Blog Award". This is all thanks to Jeremy Bruno Over at Voltage Gate who tagged us with a Thinking Blogger award. While it may not be a Tony or a Koufax it did…
Americans have never been good at saving. Especially, "saving themselves for marriage." Almost all Americans have sex before marrying, according to premarital sex research that shows such behavior is the norm in the U.S. and has been for the past 50 years. The new study shows that by age 20, 75% of…
Here's a particularly worthless article from the AP: Docs say Tamiflu won't affect foetus. This is clearly an important question. In the event of a pandemic, Tamflu will be used prophylactically in pregnant women, either by choice or because the women don't know they are pregnant. There is…