
I'm always fascinated to see how rapidly the paleo-blogosphere has grown and diversified, and over at The World We Don't Live In there's a wonderful post about one of my favorite fossil phenomena, "Devil's Corkscrews." That's one for The Boneyard, which, by the way, will be right here at Laelaps on March 8th.

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Last summer I started up the paleontology blog carnival The Boneyard, a bi-weekly gathering of links featuring the best of blogging about fossils. Sadly the carnival has now become defunct, and outside of Will (who has admirably tried to kick me in the butt to get it going again) not many people…
On May 17 I'll be hosting the 20th edition of The Boneyard, but rather than just collecting a group of links from whatever might happen to pop up on the web I've decided to do something a little different. I want to run a contest for anyone who might be interested, and the theme of the competition…
Amphicyon Welcome to the 22nd edition of The Boneyard, marking the long-awaited return of the blog carnival all about paleontology. Much has happened since the last iteration, so there's plenty of new blogospheric specimens to peruse; Are there different "rules" of classification at work for…
This time around, we're talking to Mike of Mike the Mad Biologist. What's your name? Mike the Mad Biologist. What do you do when you're not blogging? Science. For fun, well, I live in Boston. Museums, great restaurants, beautiful neighborhoods (and people, excepting yours truly). After four…