Check out the X-Change Files

For some scientists, "blog" is one of the worst four letter words there is. Aren't science blogs pits of ill-formed opinions where the ignorant can post anything they like without fear of peer-review? Of course not, but unfortunately there are many professional scientists who consider blogging a dangerous thing. That's why I am glad to say that the National Academy of Sciences has started up a blog of their own, The X-Change Files, as part of their Science and Entertainment Exchange.

The X-Change files is a blog well-worth checking out, and they already have quite a few heavy hitters (like Jennifer Ouellette and Lawrence Krauss) on their list of contributors. Even better, the blog plays an important role in discussing the intersection between science and the entertainment industry, from the science that permeates the delightful new Pixar film UP to an essay on why science outreach is important. Given the continued hand-wringing over the "two cultures" divide this is just the type of blog that we need, and I definitely recommend that you give it a look.

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