That Carnival o'the Wee Beasties known as Animalcules is being hosted by Andreas Baeumer over at Baumhaus. It all looks really interesting, so check it out. And yes, I have a few contributions myself.
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Over at Aetiology, the carnival o'the wee beasties known as Animalcules is now online. Lotsa good stuff. My contribution can also be found here.
Over at Viva la Evolucion!, there's a new edition of Animalcules, the Carnival o'the Wee Beasties. I have a post there. There's also a really good post about Vibrio cholerae--the critter that causes cholera.
The carnival o'the wee beasties known as Animalcules is up at Science Matters. I have a post about MRSA and drug use in this edition. There's also a good post about drug resistance in the HIV virus.
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