A Pithy Answer to David Brooks Question of Whither Conservatism

David Brooks wonders why the GOP is in shambles. Bush voter in 2000 and 2004 and conservative John Cole has a very succinct answer:

For starters, people got tired of being associated with these drooling retards.

Let's elaborate further:

Then, when they realized that these drooling retards had ideological allies running the show in the Bush administration and then began to experience their idiotic policies, they moved from disgusted to outright hostile.

....Seriously- what does the current Republican party stand for? Permanent war, fear, the nanny state, big spending, torture, execution on demand, complete paranoia regarding the media, control over your body, denial of evolution and outright rejection of science, AND ZOMG THEY ARE GONNA MAKE US WEAR BURKHAS, all the while demanding that in order to be a good American I have to spend most of every damned day condemning half my fellow Americans as terrorist appeasers.

The only thing Cole forget was that we liberals are going to teach all your children to speak Muslim through our control of the Teachers Union, the Single Most Potent Force for Evil in Human History.


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