Friday Links

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It's Friday! I have no classes today, so this is the day where I desperately struggle to catch up with the backlog; it also happens to be the day we're hosting a party at our house (you're invited: 5:30, my place, across the street from the university; everyone who is anyone will be there). If you…
Happy Friday! Links for you. Science: We need to work together to save the Statistical Abstract of the United States At odds with disease risk estimates The other weaver ants Unauthorized medicine: Leave important clinical testing to the professionals Other: What the Baby Joseph cases tells us…
Merry Friday! Some good links for you. Science goes first: Fisk, Interrupted (the Forbes creationist edition) Wasps use genes stolen from ancient viruses to make biological weapons Routine whole-genome sequencing of babies by 2019? Other: The internet made me a potty mouth We're All Nebraskans…
It's Friday! Links for you. Science: Evolutionary trees help to convict men who knowingly infected women with HIV Superbugs call for super changes in drug-sale rules My delightfully uninteresting genome FDA Artificial Pancreas Hearing: Beating a Path to the Real World Other: Because This Type of…