Links 10/30/10

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The kerfuffle over the Bayblab incident has produced no end of discussion here and elsewhere. Hilariously, this included a lengthy discussion of why they see ScienceBlogs as cliquish, conducted entirely in the private back-channel forum that nobody else can read. Irony: it's like gold-y and bronze-…
The New York Times' Jonathan Mahler waxes philosophical over the divide in education policy, using the recent dismissal of NYC Chancellor of Schools Cathleen Black, to offer up Compulsive Centrist Disorder-inspired banalities about education: As is often the case with morally charged policy issues…
One of the bloggers quoted in Simon Owens's demographics post states flat-out that "I basically don't give a crap about the non-political blogosphere." I found this interesting, because I used to read almost exclusively political blogs, but my opinion has shifted to be almost exactly the opposite…
Thank goodness it's...Thursday. Crap. Some links to get you through. Science: Oldest Homo sapiens fossil? Journalistic vaporware A Fistful of Teeth - Do the Qesem Cave Fossils Really Change Our Understanding of Human Evolution? How many species of elephant? (with bonus rants) Other: How a…