Links 6/4/11

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After Friday's post, I've held off on writing much about the German E. coli outbreak, often referred to by its serotype, O104:H4, or as HUSEC041 (HUS stands for hemolytic uremic syndrome). Having had the weekend to digest some of the ongoing analysis and news reports, here are some additional…
Nice day yesterday, but snow tomorrow. Anyway, links for you. Science: Illumina announces new arrival in the sequencing arms raceMonsanto GM Corn Linked to Organ Damage in AnimalsGroups ask U.S. to regulate shipping of commercial bumblebeesCan Obama Stop the War on Science? Other: It's Not Your…
Ugh. What a week. Links for you. Science: Perspective on the Parenting Debate: Rich Parents Don't Matter?Children's Genetic Potentials Are Subdued by PovertyThe shape of social progress - I Other: Too Bad Facts Don't Deter Anti-ChoicersThe danger of certainty (it really is astonishing just how…