Hubbard Park, Montpelier, VT, 9/21/09. Via Neil Young
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RT @AlexConnor At UK space launch. There is an astronaut, a load of well-badged kids, a couple of lords and a soldier wearing gold rope.
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David Dobbs
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Greg Hickok thinks so.
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Posted via email from David Dobbs's Somatic Marker
National Geographic has an interesting report on predator-prey issues in national parks: apparently pregnant moose in Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park tend to shift their activity closer to roads before giving birth, in order to avoid predation by grizzly bears.
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At the age of 21, as a Moeid, I believed that behind every universal phenomenon there must be beauty and simplicity in its description
Ahmed Zewail, who won a 1999 Nobel for his work chemistry, wrote a quite charming memoir for the Nobel site.
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