This Week: In Brief (May 9-15)

While we regularly post lengthy discussions on Obesity Panacea, there are many research updates, news stories, videos, etc. in the field of obesity, physical activity and nutrition that we come across on a daily basis that never grace the pages of the blog. Most of these mini-stories we share with our followers on Twitter, and we encourage those of you with active Twitter accounts to communicate with us there to get real-time updates of all the stuff we are discussing (Follow Peter and/or Follow Travis). For those of you who shy away from Twitter, enjoy below the best mini-stories that we came across during the prior week along with links to the original source so that you can follow the full story.

  • White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report
    to the President (Let's Move!)
  • What one short night's sleep can do to glucose
    metabolism (Laika's MedLibLog)
  • Walking and Obesity: The City Life vs the Country
    Life (Neurotopia)
  • Compare size of the BP Oil Disaster to your town
    -- a sobering picture (Paul Rademacher)
  • Will exercise make you fat? - Nope! (Dr Sharma's Obesity Notes)
  • Want to follow Peter as he travels through South America this summer? Check out his new side-project, PhD Nomads! (PhD Nomads)
  • And don't forget to check out the best health posts in my weekly Editor's Selections (Research Blogging)

Those are the posts that caught our eye this week, have a terrific weekend!


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While we regularly post lengthy discussions on Obesity Panacea, there are many research updates, news stories, videos, etc. in the field of obesity, physical activity and nutrition that we come across on a daily basis that never grace the pages of the blog. Most of these mini-stories we share with…
While we regularly post lengthy discussions on Obesity Panacea, there are many research updates, news stories, videos, etc. in the field of obesity, physical activity and nutrition that we come across on a daily basis that never grace the pages of the blog. Most of these mini-stories we share…
While we regularly post lengthy discussions on Obesity Panacea, there are many research updates, news stories, videos, etc. in the field of obesity, physical activity and nutrition that we come across on a daily basis that never grace the pages of the blog. Most of these mini-stories we share…
While we regularly post lengthy discussions on Obesity Panacea, there are many research updates, news stories, videos, etc. in the field of obesity, physical activity and nutrition that we come across on a daily basis that never grace the pages of the blog. Most of these mini-stories we share…