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Don Herbert died yesterday, just short of his 90th year. Don Herbert was host of television's Watch Mr. Wizard, a Saturday morning live TV show that had a run of 547 episodes from 1951 to 1965. He was an important figure in the youth of many of today's scientists.
The weekly 30-minute show…
Via Boing-Boing, I learn that Don Herbert, a.k.a. "Mr. Wizard," has died.
He lived to a ripe old age of 89. Perhaps the best tribute to him is this:
"Over the years, Don has been personally responsible for more people going into the sciences than any other single person in this country," George…
When Don Herbert died last weekend, many offered tributes to this television pioneer of science education (our contribution here). Herbert was TV's Mr. Wizard and many of us scientists-to-be loved to watch him. Maybe we should have been out playing stickball or strikeout or whatever (I became…
Hey, gang! Who remembers these?
I know that Gary does, and of course, so does the Disgruntled Chemist. Those old sheet metal boxes containing an assortment of strange chemicals in vials and test tubes and alcohol burners were a rite of passage for my generation and thereabouts. There was stuff in…