Multimedia Friday - HeadOn

YT parody of an ad for HeadOn, a homeopathic topical analgesic for headaches that's smeared on the forehead.

The official HeadOn site (I won't link since "the site is for the use of US residents only;" sorry I inadvertently looked and I'm not American, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to) states, "The active ingredients in HeadOn are diluted much more than the minimum required dilution dictated by the monograph of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States and therefore represent no health risk whatsoever." Yes, and likely no health benefit whatsoever either.

The video HeadOn Auditions is funny too. Check out the original ad if you didn't catch the 2006 internet meme on what's been called the most annoying commercial ever made. There's also a more recent critique in Voice Magazine:

To start with, Florida-based Miralus Healthcare's HeadOn is essentially a tube of overpriced lip balm, and the so-called medical ingredients are contained in quantities of just a few ppm (parts per million). The product is based on "homeopathic" principles, which gives the manufacturer some sort of excuse for selling you a stick of wax.

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