This looks wonderful: a new biology book that would fit right in with the course I'm teaching.

The students might find the exams much easier, but they're going to be freaked out to discover that their bodies are covered with Gay Glands.
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Sin juice, HAHA!
I'm still laughing my head off over the "no-no" zone.
Creative and well done. However, reading some of this guy's other comics, I'm convinced that he is a Democrat who thinks he is a Republican. He hits on Democrats, but has liberal views on everything he says, even when hitting on Democrats who he claims are identical to conservative Republicans.
LOL, hillarious just hillarious.
i'm convinced that he is a democrat who thinks he is a republican. he hits on democrats, but has liberal views on everything he says, even when hitting on democrats who he claims are identical to conservative republicans.
dbpitt, i haven't read his other stuff, but by your description of it, perhaps he's not a dem or repubbb at all, but just a schmuck in the center disgusted with it all, like most of us are.
by the way, skippy has a new look! check it out!
Funny indeed. For a moment, when I saw your post in the reader, I almost thought it was real. Goes to show how little credit, if any, I give those creationists and their ilk.
I sometimes lurk around on the Free Republic web site (only rabid Republicans need apply) and watch a few staunch supporters of evolution valiently attempting to battle the tide of creationist domga pervading the site.
But, for some reason, there is one scientific truth that's beyond the pale, and that's Global Warming. There is hardly a single post that doesn't ridicule scientists trying to get the message out about global warming.
Curiously, though, I have recently seen a new argument appearing. Some of them appear to have grudingly accepted that global warming is happening, but they argue (without any evidence to back it up) that global warming is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
I think anyone who wants to deny that global warming is happening has already lost the battle for lowest-common-denominator public opinion. It was on the cover of the World Weekly News [for foreign readers: the kookiest of the supermarket tabloids] today -- PROPHECY: GLOBAL WARMING DESTROYS 5 US CITIES! But although the phrase is in many mouths, it's questionable how much people understand about the causes. Thus, the shift of ground by deniers. On second thought, I should have looked inside the WWN to see what they said about the causes (quite possibly, divine wrath).
Skippy, read this:
This is a perfect example of what I mean, but please tell me if I'm missunderstanding it.
Yeah, I'm certain that's how I caught gay. All that rubbing skin-on-skin with the pretty boys ...
Maybe someone should actually produce such a textbook for satire purposes, like Jon Stewart's history/government book. (Warning, advertising!)
I probably shouldn't find the reference to "The Stork and the Coathanger" funny, but it's too true to ignore.
Curiously, though, I have recently seen a new argument appearing. Some of them appear to have grudingly accepted that global warming is happening, but they argue (without any evidence to back it up) that global warming is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
It's like Kü�bler-Ross's 5 stages of dying, except they hopped straight from #1 'Denial' to #5 'Acceptance', and skipped 'Anger', 'Bargaining' and 'Depression'.