Get going, fanboys and girls

Gary has a most trenchant summary, but if any Whedon/Ellis fans need the full force of the conversation, it's here.


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I'm afraid this comment is completely unrelated but...

...I'm starting to find that the ads in the right block are large, distracting and on some of my machines, slow page loading and stress the CPU. Do you have any control over the ad content?

I couldn't get it to load at all .....

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 16 Feb 2006 #permalink

Following the link to the summary, my Symantec antivirus popped up a warning about something trying to install a malicious program. I'm running firefox.

No offence, but Amygdala is a hideous, slow and impossible to navigate site. Someone help this guy make a standards-compliant web presence, stat!

It took me awhile to decipher the various inlink comments, but I see now that we are supposed to be reading the comments on the Ellis entry about an upcoming comic con (best use of the word "femtosecond" I've ever seen).

I still don't get it. I must be losing my geek.

That was very funny. Never have the words "sailor", "moon", "suit", "you", and "bastard" been arranged together so artfully.

At least the thread has a happy ending.

I have no real use for folk who whine about their health.

By John M. Price (not verified) on 17 Feb 2006 #permalink

"I have no real use for folk who whine about their health."

Just out of curiosity, if you were at a social gathering, would you walk up to someone and announce this to their face? Or only when you don't have to address someone in person?

" Symantec antivirus popped up a warning about something trying to install a malicious program."

In almost four and a half years of blogging with the same template at the same URL, and sometime today likely passing 785,000 total page views, this is the first time anyone has said such a thing. So I'm inclined to think the problem is not at my site.

"Someone help this guy make a standards-compliant web presence, stat!"

Anyone who would like to write HTML to help improve my site is more than welcome to do so, and I invite them to e-mail any such HTML and aid to me; I'm quite HTML-illiterate, beyond a few tags (so I'm pretty useless for doing more than cutting and pasting any helpful rewrites by rote, I'm afraid; I've never pretended to have the faintest expertise at either computer software or hardware); it's quite possible I may finally move sometime during 2006 to a new blogging system, as I've become progressively more and more dissatisfied with the limitations of both the Blogger system, and my ancient template, myself.

"...impossible to navigate site...."

That one puzzles me a bit, since it's just the classically simple reverse-chronological-order progession of posts, and a single left-side sidebar. Aside from scrolling down and clicking on "comment" to comment, I don't know what sort of "navigation" is otherwise involved. (Besides clicking on external links, obviously.)

Myself, I find that when cached, the main page loads in under 30 seconds, though. But I do agree that it's a very clunky, highly inelegeant, template.

My initial comment was related to the Seed ads in the right blog at this site, in case there was confusion.

I've just discovered Flashblock - a Firefox plugin to block over-zealous flash ads. Fantastic!