Bad timing


The birthday was yesterday. Now I'm going to have to wait 364 days before I can ask for this t-shirt as a present!


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You mean you didn't even get a 20-spot for a birthday gift so you could purchase such a fine shirt as this?

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink

Happy Birthday!

Ah, thanks for showing me yet another cool site for all three voices to enjoy.

PZ--You are must remember getting dinosaur rides for a nickel....

And...I swear I saw you in a picture of the crowd at Grover Cleveland's inauguration.....

PS: Happy Birthday!!!

By Sweettp2063 (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink

It's only 291 days until Christmas. You could ask for it then.

That would make a great gift for the Feast of Beltane.

The Ides of March is just next week.

That shirt is so neat so you can celebrate it by bying one at once. (Beat that!)

PS, happy birthday, PZ!

By Torbjorn Larsson (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink