Painter of Eldritch Phosphorescence

You all know what I think of the "Painter of Light"…well, he seems to have improved lately.


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I laughed my ass off looking at some of those paintings as somethingawful. I especially like the erupting volcano one.

ha! "painter of eldritch phosphorescence" is excellent.

This is waaaay off topic, but Pikes Peak Community College has asked Stanton Friedman "Lecturer and Nuclear Physicist", to give a talk at the school. I KEPC is a pretty good radio station, but they've been blasting these commercials about how "Friedman demolishes all arguments."

Here's the link:

I think he's getting paid by the Community College to do this.

I was also laughing my ass off...but in response yesterday listening to NPR's Wait Wait - Don't Tell Me quiz. Their weekly quiz included some lesser known aspects of Kinkade that includes his urination on Winnie-the-Pooh. The guy sounds about as deviant and two-faced as O'Reilly/

The man sounds like a psychopath - live the "Christian way" but them f*** the folks as you cut them off driving out of the church parking lot, or while counting your $$$ from your paintings.

What ever happened to low-profile Christians who would just simply diddle with one another's spouse? The high profile seems to make one a much bigger target.

Whoa! Stanton Friedman? Is he still doing the community college circuit. He gave a lecture at mine in about 1970. Glad to hear he's keeping busy. As I recall, we were due some UFO-related breakthroughs in physics in a few years. Say, that's overdue now, isn't it?

Whoa! Stanton Friedman? Is he still doing the community college circuit. He gave a lecture at mine in about 1970. Glad to hear he's keeping busy. As I recall, we were due some UFO-related breakthroughs in physics in a few years. Say, that's overdue now, isn't it?

Yeah, if I go, I plan to remind him of that. I was thinking about rallying the physics grad students, a professor or two and showing up at PPCC en masse, but I think most of us have better things to do. Friedman is a quack, but he's also one of the few quacks who are pretty much harmless.

...and I'm a little sad that none of those photoshoppers capitalized on Kinkade's affinity for chimneys. He puts a god-damn Avogadro's number of them on every cute-ass little cottage that he paints.