How much?

How about selling off Kansas?

It seems a little harsh to me. How about if we give it in trust to Josh and Pat until everyone comes to their senses?

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Besides the journal Evolution is published in Kansas. Would they be allowed to relocate or would they have to be included in the sale?

Surely you want to keep Niobara? Maybe you could ask us Brits to revoke their independance?

On second thoughts we don't actually want the puritans back. Last time they were in charge they banned the theatre, xmas and a whole load of other fun stuff.

Hey, we're bloggin the good fight at Stars Over Kansas!

We have all the hot topics over there, but from a different perspective. The Big bang, billions of years, billions of light years, extrasolar planets, astrobiology, SETI, Mars, and even NASA budget cuts. Heads might explode!

I wouldn't trust Josh or Pat to be objective with anything, much less the state of Kansas.

The problem is that issues are defined by fanatics on both sides...atheist fantics v theist fanactics.

Only a fanatic refuses to acknowledge that there can even BE another side.

By Stauffenberg (not verified) on 15 Mar 2006 #permalink

why not just get rid of the trolls like stauffy not the whole state

we won't even charge for him