That's mighty fine irony

Modern digital technology allows us to see the unimaginable. George Bush sings Imagine.

(via Badgerings)

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How neat, yet sadly depressing too.

By Geral Corasjo (not verified) on 17 Apr 2006 #permalink

I did not really need that.

By David Wilford (not verified) on 17 Apr 2006 #permalink

for some reason that just makes me want to cry.

Owww... my heart hurts. Jeez, PZ, thanks for the buzz kill.

(off to hug my junior-subscribers-to-the-social-contract)

Maybe this means Dubya has turned into a pinko lib'ral antiwar bleeding heart? I wonder if he knows Lennon was a non-american , non-christian pacifist.

I reckon Dubya should sing duets with Berlusconi.

Nice video of a sad, unscrupulous leader. I believe history will be very unkind to George Dubya.

I heard "Imagine"- the real one- on the radio driving home today. What a counterpoint. It just hurts that Lennon is dead and Bush is not only alive but President.