
My fault, the site was screwed up for over an hour—it's a really bad idea to slip when typing "</p>" and type "<?p>" instead.


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Only if you are working in PHP.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 26 Apr 2006 #permalink

Ha, Ha. I thought the president had pulled this page one time.

You still write in old-fashioned HTML? Markdown all the way for me,
thanks. It makes such a difference to the ease of writing, I just wish more
blogging and blog comment software supported it "built in". As it is, I have
to use Greasemonkey extensions to get a little 'Markdown' button on most web

I didn't even notice, because I was still ignoring the site after the TypeKey fiasco! (And playing with some virtual snails instead.) But I thought I'd better test whether the login managed to persist into another page. It got a bit scary as it seemed not to and then the form flickered and corrected itself. Now for the post button...

Must check type key

By Christian (not verified) on 27 Apr 2006 #permalink