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What have the funny pages come to? This is titillating and kinky to the point of obscenity.
I mean, really; bondage and octopuses and radioactive spiders and so much imagination is triggered by the promise of that image … oh, my. I think I should go take a shower.
(via the shameless Zeno)
At last, word of Phil's secret media project has leaked out: he's got a Discovery Channel show about how the universe is out to get him, called Bad Universe. It's got debunkings of astronomical myths and bad movie tropes, and most importantly, it's got explosions.
I'll watch that.
(via Skepchick)
If you've been wondering about the mysterious presentiments and portents at The Loom and Bad Astronomy, wonder no more: just head on over to blogs at Discover Magazine page, and lo, there they are. It looks like every print magazine in the universe is realizing that they need a stable of bloggers…
I never get stalkers like this. What is the secret of Phil's animal magnetism?
(via Depleted Cranium)
My, but that webpage is taking a hideously long time to load for me. And I was so looking foward to seeing kinky squid stuff, too...
I *knew* you'd like it!
It took a long time to download for me as well. But it's pretty cool.
It is pretty cool. Well worth the time it takes for the pictures to download.
That made my day so much happier! Thanks, BA and PZ.
OMG - his lordship the spaghetti monster
The random quote I just read at the top right corner :
"A woman is a pitcher full of filth with it's mouth full of blood, yet all run after her"
It should be its, not it's, Bob the angry Flower said so!
Another one, by C.Spellman :
Where do we find more wealthy Pastors or Ministers talking out of both sides of their mouths while their pockets swell to obseen proportions?
Unless it is the original text, I'd say obcene.
There used to be a page displaying all your quotes. Il it still somewhere on the new site?