Comic appreciation


A reader brought Crap I Drew on My Lunch Break to my attention—I like it. The artist understands us godless people and our love of puppy dog dinners and satanic rituals, and she doesn't seem fond of Intelligent Design creationism. It's on my list of regular webcomics to read.


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Ah yes, one of my long time favorites. I really wanted to buy one of her paintings, but all the really good ones were taken, and now I am too poor a college student to afford one.

I read the description of the drawing process, and was amazed to find out that her lunch break lasts 4-6 hours!

I'm not sure which I like better - Sigmund "Sometimes a machine gun is just a machine gun" Freud, or Mark Twain eating a puppy.

Yes, I think that one's already been snapped up, alas. I am proud to have Ms. Wicked's Chicken Little... panel, however. But, in the vein of amusing webcomics, you might also get a good kick out of this particular Sinfest panel, extolling the dangers of eating pork.