An honest science student

Whillikers has found a most excellent scientific paper. If that's what physics is like, you should see the noise we get in biology.


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Delightful. I love the computer-generated curve fitting the data. I wish I could make that much sense out of the data in my life. Thanks, PZ.

Great paper - I sent it to my daughter - she took a physics course last quarter.

Yeah, that one was *is* real old (as if the final line about CS people being rich by itself didn't firmly place it in in the 1980s or 90s)

It's almost as hoary as the old "What they write in scientific papers and what they really mean" list -- you know, the one that goes:

"It has long been known that..." means "I haven't bothered to look up the original reference."


Agghh...speaking of second-rate equipment. I took a electronic measurement tools lab last year (VOMs, Oscilloscopes, up to second order circuits). My bench oscilloscope was malfunctioning almost every class, and I would end up switching two or three around until I found one working properly. This is the measurement tools lab! If the measurement tools don't work, then how can you learn to use them? I was fortunate, having used all the instruments in the lab before in other places, so I knew when they were messing up.

The only time I ever got better than a simple "check" on a physics lab report was when did Millikan's oil drop experiment. Taking all the sources of error into account, I showed that the charge multiples were integers to within an error of +/- 0.5. It seems that my analysis was unusually good in noting that this made the results completely worthless.

That CompSci department was fairly generous and gave a good account with web access to anyone who took even the basic programming class. 10 years ago, that was more than the physics department offered, though I don't know about at the time that report was written.

I'm afraid, this measurement nightmare has nothing to do with noise. It's simply wrong way of seting the entire thing up - germanium is very heat sensitive, and you can get permanent changes in its properties with temperatures barely above 100 C, so if the guy simply soldered two wires to it he scrambled its properties beyond recognition...

PZ: This is off topic, but there's something wrong with the link to your Richard Cohen thread. It's impossible to get into it to post. Clicking it produces a '404 not found' error screen.

By George Cauldron (not verified) on 09 May 2006 #permalink

That CompSci department was fairly generous and gave a good account with web access to anyone who took even the basic programming class. 10 years ago, that was more than the physics department offered, though I don't know about at the time that report was written.

Yep. Even though I was a bacteriology undergrad at Madison, I received my first view of the Internet by taking a CS course. Of course, this was around 1989, and having access to the Net mostly having access to Usenet groups, but that was my first step towards a road of ruin.

I do hope this overworked experiment is a fabrication. Soldering leads to a semiconductor will give confusing dopant and Schottky diodes at the terminals, of which the later have a different thermal behaviour. I would expect the data too look rather noisy.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 09 May 2006 #permalink

I had a cool coincidence doing the oil drop. The charge we came up with was almost exactly 1/3 of an electron charge, out to 4 decimal places. We decided that we had isolated a quark. The fact that we had +/- %600 error was not important. None of us had a watch with a second hand, so we counted out loud to time the drop's transit...I figure we were pretty close to a second per count.

Our undergrad labs were stocked with junk. Then we went off to co-op jobs at labs awash with Reagan's Star Wars money and got to play with REAL toys. Ill-conceived boondoggles have their merits. I also learned the valuable art of how to write a proposal. Did you know that virtually anything can be used in missile defense?

It took a little while to get into that because I kept reading "germanium" as "geranium". I imagine it would be pretty hard to solder wires to a geranium. African violets, maybe not quite so much.

That write-up reminded me of the physics practical (on hysteresis) in which my partner and I ended up spending most of the time (and write-up) demonstrating, with supporting calculations of course, that the equipment with which we had been provided wasn't actually capable (ie according to its specifications and the tests we did) of achieving the experimental results we were expected to graph. As far as I recall we got an alpha on it.