Don't blame me

Readers, if you have received a copy of America, Return to God sent in my name, it's not my doing. Someone is apparently putting my name and email address in the order form as the friendly donor sending that crap out, and I'm now getting outraged email from people who are disgusted with it.

It's kind of heartening, actually, even if I am getting undeserved blame. A lot of people don't like that Christianist nonsense.

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I'm not sure if the FSM *wants* you back at this stage.

By SmellyTerror (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

PZ, can't you sue for that? It's identity theft.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

I was wondering why I got that today! But pulling it out of the trash, I don't see your name anywhere, so I'm guessing that they bought my name off some other mailing list.

Hmmm... I received one of these as well and thought somebody in the lab was pulling a prank.

I wrote a polite email asking to be removed from the list.

This is the address printed in the back of the magazine:

By cmotdibbler (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

On the same subject:

"...children seem to be more confident in the information they get about invisible scientific objects than about things in the spiritual realm."

The reason being uncertain. They surmise it might be because the parents talk about them differently. I surmise it is because kids are better at detecting bullshit than adults, who have had years to learn how to ignore the smell. ;) lol

I used a gmail account not my university email to send the email. So no big deal.

By cmotdibbler (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

Did you also offer them a sausage in a bun?

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

My husband, a professor himself, got one of these in is university mail box yesterday. He didn't order one. He decided it meant he was "important."

It was scary looking, lemme tell ya. We tossed it in the trash.

A postdoc I know got his name on a paper his lab group published in Nature. Not long after, he got a long letter from a physics crackpot: "The theory of relativity is a horrible mistake, quantum mechanics is a fraud, neutrinos taste like oregano," etc. He put it on his office door with a note saying, "Now I have arrived."

You know you've made it when the cranks come calling. I felt pretty good when I got a peeved e-mail from a Bogdanov supporter who was ticked that I slighted their side in the Wikipedia article about that nasty affair. It doesn't mean quite as much, but it still warms my heart. From the looks of it, PZ has twerked somebody in an even worse way. Time to celebrate --- after you're done grading, of course.

Someone who reads my site signed me up for the Women of Faith mailing list. After hitting the unsubscribe button (easy enough) I actually felt quite an overwhelming feeling of self-satisfaction. For someone to go through the trouble means I *really* offended their religion.

Send me a thousand. I'll throw them in the dumpster. The more time and money these cranks waste trying to convert people like me, the less they have to spend on confusing everyone else.

By greylocks (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

Your May 5 exhortation to "Bleed the bastards dry" got a mention on their May 11 update (see their homepage). Poor kids had to pray extra because of you. Aw. Didn't you realize that was a Declaration of Spiritual Warfare? :-)

By Jim Flannery (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

I just beat a professor at the Northern Baptist Seminary on Technorati's top-10-list of archaeology blogs. Here's a little gloating celebration of this small victory with an amusing example of this guy's style of argument.

I think they bought the mailing lists from several scientific supply houses and/or journals. Last week everyone in my department got one. Needless to say, they all got tossed, and I emailed to have my name deleted. Can't find the culprit, though.

By Science Goddess (not verified) on 18 May 2006 #permalink