Portrait of the blogger?


You may hear rumors that this is actually a super-secret photo of the real PZ Myers, but you'd be mistaken.

You can tell because I wouldn't use that non-Mac laptop, ever.


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A Big Mac fan huh?
Many years ago I owned the 'BlackMac'.
Pretty neat but never did catch on.

My brother had some fun when his Mac roommate made fun of his PC during a moderate-level crash that would have killed his final class paper if we weren't techie enough a family.

Week later, roommate's Mac obliterates itself for as yet unknown reasons with the same results, only...

"Why don't you restart in DOS? Oh, wait, you can't!"

This just proves that cephalopods are not dogmatic about the PC v. Mac thing. Being rational rather than dogmatic is more evidence that they are superior beings that are just waiting patiently for us pesky monkeyfolk to self destruct and, thorugh our impact on greenhouse gases, to make the sea levels rise to better suit them.

By CanuckRob (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

You realize that, for Mac users (at least for the men), in continuing to use a Mac laptop you run the risk of frying your manly parts thereby interfering with procreation.

On second thought, go right ahead.

By fightingdem (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

You realize that, for Mac users (at least for the men), in continuing to use a Mac laptop you run the risk of frying your manly parts thereby interfering with procreation.

Perhaps. But how many people actually put laptops on their laps?

Not only are Mac portables no warmer than many PCs, you can't restart in DOS, but you can restart in single user (or boot to OpenFirmware on a PowerPC) or you could boot to a Darwin prompt.

One day PC users will get tired of their treasured stories, but probably not until after the Christians do.

By sixteenwords (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

Oh, really. Between a Mac user and a PC user, which one is usually mistaken for a maniacally obsessed fanatic?

By fightingdem (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

For a moment I thought I was looking at the FSM. I wonder what it would use btw; not that it would need a laptop, being omnipotent and all......

My grandfather weren't no cephalopod dammit!

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink