Verbalize polysyllabically

Hey, I'm not being pretentious, I'm merely paying due diligence to privacy and security issues.


(via Apostropher)


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By interrobang (not verified) on 13 Jun 2006 #permalink

True story (I swear!): Years ago while working on my master's degree in math, I rented a room from a guy about my age who was defraying the cost of his mortgage by renting a couple of the spare rooms. The other renter was from Africa. He spoke excellent English and had a vocabulary almost as large as mine. In fact, the African and I could easily talk above our landlord's head, which used to exasperate him and amuse us. "I believe I shall indulge my peripatetic predelictions with a postprandial perambulation." Yes, geeky and pompous, all at once. Our landlord would fleer at us and demand that we cut it out.

He was a journalism major. He could have been president (and better than the one we have).

True story (I swear!): Years ago while working on my master's degree in math, I rented a room from a guy about my age who was defraying the cost of his mortgage by renting a couple of the spare rooms. The other renter was from Africa. He spoke excellent English and had a vocabulary almost as large as mine. In fact, the African and I could easily talk above our landlord's head, which used to exasperate him and amuse us. "I believe I shall indulge my peripatetic predelictions with a postprandial perambulation." Yes, geeky and pompous, all at once. Our landlord would fleer at us and demand that we cut it out.

He was a journalism major. He could have been president (and better than the one we have).

Somehow fits with this one crazy guy I've just heard about.

By Bronze Dog (not verified) on 13 Jun 2006 #permalink

That's beautiful.