Everything you ever wanted to know about Nikola Tesla

It's his birthday, and Coturnix has gathered about eleventy billion links to Tesliana (Teslaniana? Is there a word for this, or am I just making things up?)

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Hehe. I did a very short paper on Tesla a couple years ago. I learned a lot about him, and his influence is quite pervasively in our society, even today.

Today should be national AC current day! Thank a wall outlet near you!

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 10 Jul 2006 #permalink

I was in Niagara Falls yesterday and they were dedicating a statue of Tesla with Serbian folk singing.

Never noticed it before, but give Nicola a soul patch, and he'd look a lot like the late great Frank Zappa. Sans the magnificent honker, of course...

Nikola. Ragger! Preview is your fiend...

I was in Niagara Falls yesterday and they were dedicating a statue of Tesla with Serbian folk singing.

Well shoot. If I had known that was gonna happen, I would have gone and videotaped it.

Tesla was one of those geniuses who seems to have a lot of crackpots to his legacy. I wonder why?

Incidentally, speaking of electricity, a case can be made that Faraday was the greatest scientist of all time. Keith Laidler argues that if they had been around, Faraday would have won 5 Nobels.