"By that logic, Senator Brownback is a vagina."

Thank you, Jon Stewart.


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Thanks for bringing a laugh to my morning.

...these people are serious? And Brownback is supposed to be a leading light in the Republican party?!?

Again, this is why "The Daily Show" is a shining star of journalism. No other mainstream outlet highlights the absolutely stunningly stupid things routinely said (with straight faces, amazingly enough) by our so-called "leaders".

Any child could tell you that if you convince Bob that his relationship with Amy will turn out bad, you won't get that baby.

Therefore, telling people about relationship troubles is murder.

I hate to be nit-picky, but shouldn't that really be "By that logic, Senator Brownback is a uterus"? The baby is in the uterus, but comes through the vagina. (I do realize that, in some sort of comic fashion, "vagina" is funnier than "uterus", so I guess he can plead comic-license.)

It rather annoys me that so many don't know the difference between the uterus, the vagina, and the vulva.

That second segment in particular was astonishingly good. When confronted with such absurd positions as opposition to stem-cell research, humour is the best weapon. Stewart certainly succeeds in showing just how bizzare their views are. Awesome.

Honestly, if I see someone saying that SCR uses aborted foetuses once more I will do something really bad. It's a straightforward lie. I can't see how something like that could result from a misunderstanding. Whoever set that one going was doing so deliberately and maliciously. So frustrating!

And I'm not even American. I can't imagine what it must be like to actually share a democracy with these people.

By Dylan Llyr (not verified) on 21 Jul 2006 #permalink

Oh, my Kansas; I could weep. At least he acknowledges that he doesn't represent me, having stated that his only constituent is god.

And I'm not even American. I can't imagine what it must be like to actually share a democracy with these people.

Sigh, it's getting less fun all the time, Dylan...

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 21 Jul 2006 #permalink

It rather annoys me that so many don't know the difference between the uterus, the vagina, and the vulva.

A womb, a canal and a Swedish car?

I think you're right about the comic licence; "uterus" doesn't have quite the same oomph. It's the long i in "vagina" that does it.

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 21 Jul 2006 #permalink

I have to admit that was funny - and I oppose abortion. The crack about milking the 'zy-goats' was priceless.

( With 'friends' like Brownback who needs enemies?)

By Ian H Spedding (not verified) on 21 Jul 2006 #permalink

Gives an entirely new meaning to "GWB is an asshole".

Ahcuah, I think that John Stewart got it right. Granted "vagina" wouldn't be the word that I would have used but it would have cost him $325,000 or up to say that one!

I think you're right about the comic licence; "uterus" doesn't have quite the same oomph.

"Uterus" does have its place. As in the classic Roseanne quip: "How come my husband is always asking me to find stuff? It's like he thinks a uterus is a tracking device."

Wouldn't work with "vagina."

Might work with "clitoris," but she couldn't have said that on the Tonight Show.

Brownback really makes Stewart's job too easy, huh? And I just thought that GWB had killed satire six years ago....

DominEditrix said,
'I think you're right about the comic licence; "uterus" doesn't have quite the same oomph. It's the long i in "vagina" that does it.'

Really? I thought it was something else in vagina that made it such a popular subject.

But seriously, Stewart has it right that we don't kill those talking zygotes. Maybe they read C.S. Lewis on that boyhood zygote farm of his; in Narnia it's a really terrible thing to eat talking animals.