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Or, Happy Evolution Day! It's time for a party! It is easy to look up blog coverage - if you search for "Origin of Species" you mostly get good stuff, if you search for "Origin of the Species" you get creationist clap-trap as they cannot even copy and paste correctly (hence they are better known…
Daniel Loxton does the yeoman work of unearthing much of the history of Skepticism's Oldest Debate: A Prehistory of "DBAD" (1838-2010). It's too good throughout to even try pulling out a summarizing quote, so seriously, read the whole thing, and see how skeptics have been telling one another not…
Kate Michelman, lifelong feminist and former head of NARAL, talks about why she's signed up to work for John Edwards (click through the ad to read the entire thing): ....I think that says a lot about his seriousness and commitment to addressing the experiences of women in society. I think it speaks…
“There is no such thing as perpetual tranquillity of mind while we live here; because life itself is but motion, and can never be without desire, nor without fear, no more than without sense.” -Thomas Hobbes Well, it finally happened: someone asked me about the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of a certain…

As amusing as taking potshots at our president may be, being reminded of the destruction of the Baghdad Museum, and the cultural rape of Iraq's art treasures makes such gags like these about as pleasurable as watching a person cut the ovaries out of a female sturgeon.

Yesterday my wife's sister-in-law, a mathematician, told me the story of how the religious right affected the application process for the magnet schools in Nashville TN. Some kind of lottery was necessary because of a surplus of applications. Seems the fundies were suspicious of random numbers (!!) so they pushed through a formula based on the spelling of one's last name. (I tested the veracity of the story by Googling and found a fragment of this old dispute online.) Well, one family saw that NONE of their kids ever made it via the lottery, so they sued, showing that the lottery favored families at the beginning of the alphabet. They won the case.