Look closely before fainting away in shock

Gosh. Maybe I should add Insta-Pundit to the blogroll.

(via Oliver Willis)

More like this

A few months ago, I made a new page for a more complete blogroll. Now, that my class is over and I have a break from traveling around leading workshops, I'm ready to add some links. Other bloggers; Bora, Mike the Mad, PZ, Janet, DM, and Abel; use a nice technique called "blogroll amnesty" where…
The Horizon Church of Towson asks what I'm sure is a very sincere question. How old is the Earth? about 6000 years old 28.13 % about 4.5 billion years old 37.50 % I am not sure 34.38 % Gosh. This question has a very simple answer. Maybe you should tell them what it is.
If I were you, I would add Juniorprof to your blogroll. (I think it's time that I clean up my blogroll as well ...)
Gosh. I sure hope the creationist extremists never get any substantial political power, because guess what some of them would like to do: they want to violently expel use crazy evolutionists. Ask Tom Willis, an utterly insane creationist (who is also, scarily, active in Kansas politics): The…

Hah. Happy August Fool's Day!

did instapundit get hacked?

That's funny. It's all Kos content.

His readers myst be slipping a disc.

The "take my survey' link at the bottom of every entry seems suspect. The site is also registered to a Matthew Haugey instead of Glenn Reynolds. Methinks there is treachery afoot.


It's Kos content on an instapundit template.

Heh. Indeed.

By Ballard Fremon… (not verified) on 01 Aug 2006 #permalink

It took me a bit too long to figure out what was going on there. First I read the posts, then I realized they were kinda lefty [i]then[/i] I read the byline, [b]then[/b] I saw the little blurb at the top right that explained what the hell was going on.

By Ian Menzies (not verified) on 01 Aug 2006 #permalink

...plus, apparently 'Wired' printed the wrong URL.