Nice hat

Let's be clear on this: I'm merely the token moonbat in the wingnut parade, OK? You can tell because I actually have the best hat of them all.


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"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything."

By deanbcurtis (not verified) on 01 Aug 2006 #permalink

You might think my hat is funny, but I don't.
I'm the Grand Wazoo.
Keeper of the mystic scrolls.
And rolls of parchment from the lodge.

And I'm a Veteran.

Every day on coffee break at the hardware store, I tell Fred
What to expect because we play pranks during the . . . initiation.

I'm the Grand Wazoo.
I'm the Grand Wazoo.
I'm the Grand Wazoo.

I'm the Grand Wazoo, from the hardware store.
Fuck you if you don't like my hat.

I'm quite sure it's serendipitous, but I the title of that Sadly, No post together with your mug prominently displayed first, kind of reminded me of something. Apparently they didn't mention the squid hats to you before you left...

"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything."

Or else he's bat**** insane. Either way, they give him lots of elbow room.

I notice that some of the other photos on that page are obvious photoshop jobs, but that wa sunnecessary for PZ.

That is a very cool hat, dear sir. :D

Incidentally, I think of you every time I leave the grocery store by my house because there is a brightly coloured cephalapod toy in the crane game by the exit.

Now I have this image stuck in my mind of UMM faculty members dressing up as cephalopods at weekends, and - er...

Need... cognitive... therapy...