In a previous life, I was...

Steve Borres sent along a few shots from his Aegean vacation. Something seems to have reminded him of me, and it wasn't bare-breasted Cretan dancers:


Very cool. If I'd been around 2500 years ago, there's something I could have gotten into.


More like this

Absolutely beautiful!!!!!

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 05 Aug 2006 #permalink

PZ wrote:

If I'd been around 2500 years ago, there's something I could have gotten into.

Umm, I don't think they are big enough. :-)

I have been to Crete, too, and the Minoans' obsession with cephalopods is not limited to the pottery. There are some beautiful murals in the palace at Knossos. You really should visit. The barebreasted Cretan dancers are beautiful, too. I think they were in a procession, though, not dancing.

Where are the pics?

By John Mruzik (not verified) on 05 Aug 2006 #permalink

Complex_field: PZ was referring to the fact that these "octopus jars" were in fact used for catching octopi. They don't even need bait -- just lower it into the water and wait for some gullible octopus to hide in the nice comfy "lair"....

By David Harmon (not verified) on 05 Aug 2006 #permalink

Back then, you'd have been a Cretan. Today, you're a cretin. Ironic.

Yeah, coming from Jason.

Maybe rather more than 2500 years.

The Cretans still make them, for the tourists. They're rather pretty. I bought one the first time I visited Crete. It came with a certificate to confirm that it's a fake, so to speak.

[I wonder if Jason has ever considered the origin of the word cretin, by the way. Probably not.]

I wonder if Jason has ever considered the origin of the word cretin, by the way. Probably not.

Ah, the possible origin from the Latin for "Christian." Yeah, nevermind those other possible etymologies. If there's one that [supposedly] debases Christians, that's the one that is true.

Jason sez...

"Back then, you'd have been a Cretan. Today, you're a cretin."

Goodness, Jason. Are you a nice person? WWJD?
Uncle Don

By Don Culberson (not verified) on 06 Aug 2006 #permalink