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Haldane never had it so good:
(Via Shelley.)
Speaking of incessant, grating whines…here's another Minnesota pest, Michele Bachmann. She spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (by invitation…how deranged have the Republicans become, anyway?) and offered this jewel of logic:
I just wondered that if our founders thought taxation…
Shelley at Retrospectacle tagged the Chimp Refuge for a Thinking Blogger Award Hey, thanks, Shelley, but when you mention "scathing wit," we know you're talking about Kev and Jim because women just aren't funny.
Anyway, the rules for the tag you're it blogger game are to be found here at The…
Ever wonder what biobloggers are blogging about on their blogs? Here's what:
Razib posts part of a paper by Jerry Coyne and others (which I can't seem to track down) which questions the role cis regulatory elements play in adaptive phenotypic evolution. This all part of Coyne's war on evo-devo.…
I was suprised that you didn't pick this one.
Is it wrong that the first thing I thought of was, "Shouldn't those stars be flying out of his ass?"
OMG, those are awesome!
Very cool.
I have the answer which is sure to make me rich.
Most of my friends are having kids or just had them so during a few wines last week we all became believers in ID.
We now believe God's final perfect product is Marsupials, and we are a forgotten, crapply put together sac of meat.
Think about it. Kangeroos, a painless birth to a tiny baby, have a cool handy pouch, if low on food can suspend the develpoment of the fetus till better times, can boing around for ages, can disembowel a lame human and (tastes good).
Its obvious.
Despair, Inc. is another company that mocks the Successories motivational posters.
Is it wrong that the first thing I thought of was, "Shouldn't those stars be flying out of his ass?"
Posted by: Ryogam
I always thought that about Spiderman. Not stars, web obviously. Granted that might change the rating to R but there are way too many PG-13 movies out there.
I liked the poster on blogging but it really gets my chimp when people show apes and call them monkeys.
haha, love it:
Porn`s law: the cumulative number of girls who posed nude in the internet doubles every eighteen months
"Two things are infinite: the universe, and stupidity. And we're not too sure about the universe."